DataGenerators.f90 Source File

This File Depends On

sourcefile~~datagenerators.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~datagenerators.f90 DataGenerators.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90 DataGlobals.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~datagenerators.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90 DataPrecisionGlobals.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~datagenerators.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataglobals.f90

Files Dependent On This One

sourcefile~~datagenerators.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~datagenerators.f90 DataGenerators.f90 sourcefile~windturbine.f90 WindTurbine.f90 sourcefile~datagenerators.f90->sourcefile~windturbine.f90 sourcefile~electricpowergenerators.f90 ElectricPowerGenerators.f90 sourcefile~datagenerators.f90->sourcefile~electricpowergenerators.f90 sourcefile~electricpowermanager.f90 ElectricPowerManager.f90 sourcefile~windturbine.f90->sourcefile~electricpowermanager.f90 sourcefile~electricpowergenerators.f90->sourcefile~electricpowermanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90 HeatBalanceInternalHeatGains.f90 sourcefile~electricpowergenerators.f90->sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90 sourcefile~plantloopequipment.f90 PlantLoopEquipment.f90 sourcefile~electricpowergenerators.f90->sourcefile~plantloopequipment.f90 sourcefile~plantexhaustabsorptionchiller.f90 PlantExhaustAbsorptionChiller.f90 sourcefile~electricpowergenerators.f90->sourcefile~plantexhaustabsorptionchiller.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90 OutputReportTabular.f90 sourcefile~electricpowermanager.f90->sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90 sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 SimulationManager.f90 sourcefile~electricpowermanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~electricpowermanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90 sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 HVACManager.f90 sourcefile~electricpowermanager.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90 SizingManager.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 HeatBalanceManager.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~economiclifecyclecost.f90 EconomicLifeCycleCost.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~economiclifecyclecost.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodelusertemppattern.f90 RoomAirModelUserTempPattern.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~roomairmodelusertemppattern.f90 sourcefile~economictariff.f90 EconomicTariff.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~economictariff.f90 sourcefile~thermalcomfort.f90 ThermalComfort.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~thermalcomfort.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 HeatBalanceSurfaceManager.f90 sourcefile~outputreporttabular.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~utilityroutines.f90 UtilityRoutines.f90 sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90->sourcefile~utilityroutines.f90 sourcefile~energyplus.f90 EnergyPlus.f90 sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90->sourcefile~energyplus.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~roomairmodelusertemppattern.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~zonetemppredictorcorrector.f90 ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~zonetemppredictorcorrector.f90 sourcefile~zonecontaminantpredictorcorrector.f90 ZoneContaminantPredictorCorrector.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~zonecontaminantpredictorcorrector.f90 sourcefile~zoneequipmentmanager.f90 Zoneequipmentmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~zoneequipmentmanager.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90 DaylightingManager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodelcrossvent.f90 RoomAirModelCrossVent.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~roomairmodelcrossvent.f90 sourcefile~delightmanagerf.f90 DElightManagerF.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~delightmanagerf.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodelufad.f90 RoomAirModelUFAD.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~roomairmodelufad.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodeldisplacementvent.f90 RoomAirModelDisplacementVent.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~roomairmodeldisplacementvent.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodelmundt.f90 RoomAirModelMundt.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceinternalheatgains.f90->sourcefile~roomairmodelmundt.f90 sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceairmanager.f90 HeatBalanceAirManager.f90 sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalanceairmanager.f90 sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90->sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90 sourcefile~economiclifecyclecost.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~roomairmanager.f90 RoomAirManager.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodelusertemppattern.f90->sourcefile~roomairmanager.f90 sourcefile~economictariff.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~economictariff.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~economictariff.f90->sourcefile~economiclifecyclecost.f90 sourcefile~thermalcomfort.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~thermalcomfort.f90->sourcefile~zonetemppredictorcorrector.f90 sourcefile~airflownetworkbalancemanager.f90 AirflowNetworkBalanceManager.f90 sourcefile~thermalcomfort.f90->sourcefile~airflownetworkbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~weathermanager.f90 WeatherManager.f90 sourcefile~thermalcomfort.f90->sourcefile~weathermanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~roomairmanager.f90->sourcefile~zonetemppredictorcorrector.f90 sourcefile~zonetemppredictorcorrector.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~zonetemppredictorcorrector.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~zonetemppredictorcorrector.f90->sourcefile~zonecontaminantpredictorcorrector.f90 sourcefile~zonetemppredictorcorrector.f90->sourcefile~zoneequipmentmanager.f90 sourcefile~zonecontaminantpredictorcorrector.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~zonecontaminantpredictorcorrector.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~zoneequipmentmanager.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~zoneequipmentmanager.f90->sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90 sourcefile~airflownetworkbalancemanager.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~systemavailabilitymanager.f90 SystemAvailabilityManager.f90 sourcefile~airflownetworkbalancemanager.f90->sourcefile~systemavailabilitymanager.f90 sourcefile~weathermanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~weathermanager.f90->sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90 sourcefile~systemavailabilitymanager.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~systemavailabilitymanager.f90->sourcefile~zoneequipmentmanager.f90 sourcefile~simairservingzones.f90 SimAirServingZones.f90 sourcefile~systemavailabilitymanager.f90->sourcefile~simairservingzones.f90 sourcefile~plantmanager.f90 PlantManager.f90 sourcefile~systemavailabilitymanager.f90->sourcefile~plantmanager.f90 sourcefile~systemavailabilitymanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalanceairmanager.f90 sourcefile~simairservingzones.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~simairservingzones.f90->sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90 sourcefile~plantmanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~plantmanager.f90->sourcefile~hvacmanager.f90 sourcefile~plantmanager.f90->sourcefile~utilityroutines.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceairmanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceairmanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90->sourcefile~utilityroutines.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90 SolarShading.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90->sourcefile~solarshading.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90 WindowEquivalentLayer.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90->sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodelcrossvent.f90->sourcefile~roomairmanager.f90 sourcefile~delightmanagerf.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~delightmanagerf.f90->sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodelufad.f90->sourcefile~roomairmanager.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodeldisplacementvent.f90->sourcefile~roomairmanager.f90 sourcefile~roomairmodelmundt.f90->sourcefile~roomairmanager.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90->sourcefile~utilityroutines.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~solarshading.f90 sourcefile~windowmanager.f90 WindowManager.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~windowmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceintradexchange.f90 HeatBalanceIntRadExchange.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~heatbalanceintradexchange.f90 sourcefile~windowmanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~windowmanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceintradexchange.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~plantloopequipment.f90->sourcefile~plantmanager.f90 sourcefile~plantloopsolver.f90 PlantLoopSolver.f90 sourcefile~plantloopequipment.f90->sourcefile~plantloopsolver.f90 sourcefile~plantexhaustabsorptionchiller.f90->sourcefile~plantloopequipment.f90 sourcefile~plantloopsolver.f90->sourcefile~plantmanager.f90

Source Code

Source Code

MODULE DataGenerators

          !       AUTHOR         B Griffith
          !       DATE WRITTEN   March 2005
          !       MODIFIED
          !       RE-ENGINEERED  July 2006 BG, generalized and added data for ICE/SE model micro CHP

          ! This data-only module is a repository for the variables that relate specifically
          ! to the Fuel cell and Micro CHP modeling in EnergyPlus
          !  the data for the older BLAST generators are in those component's modules


          ! REFERENCES:
          ! na

          ! OTHER NOTES:
          ! na

          ! USE STATEMENTS:
    USE DataPrecisionGlobals
    USE DataGlobals, ONLY: MaxNameLength

    IMPLICIT NONE   ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables

    PUBLIC          ! By definition, all variables which are placed in this data
                ! -only module should be available to other modules and routines.
                ! Thus, all variables in this module must be PUBLIC.

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NormalizedCurveMode = 1 ! mode where efficiency curves are modifier curves
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DirectCurveMode     = 2 ! mode where efficiency curves are direct

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ConstantRateSkinLoss = 1 ! fixed rate mode for skin losses
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: UADTSkinLoss         = 2 ! UAdelta T mode for skin losses
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: QuadraticFuelNdotSkin= 3 ! Quadratic function of fuel flow for skin losses

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: QuadraticFuncofNdot  = 1 ! function of fuel rate mode for air flow
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ConstantStoicsAirRat = 2 ! Constant air ratio in stoics with fuel constituents
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: QuadraticFuncofPel   = 3 ! function of electric power mode

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NoRecoveryOnAirIntake = 101 ! mode for controlling intake air heat recovery
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: RecoverBurnInvertBatt = 102 ! mode for controlling intake air heat recovery
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: RecoverAuxiliaryBurner= 103 ! mode for controlling intake air heat recovery
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: RecoverInverterBatt   = 104 ! mode for controlling intake air heat recovery
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: RecoverInverter       = 105 ! mode for controlling intake air heat recovery
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: RecoverBattery        = 106 ! mode for controlling intake air heat recovery

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: RegularAir = 1 !
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: UserDefinedConstituents = 2 !

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: FuelInTempFromNode = 1
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: FuelInTempSchedule = 2

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: WaterInReformMains    = 21
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: WaterInReformAirNode  = 22
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: WaterInReformWaterNode = 23
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: WaterInReformSchedule  = 24

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: InverterEffConstant  = 1
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: InverterEffQuadratic = 2

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: FixedEffectiveness = 11 !exhaust gas HX modeling mode
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LMTDempiricalUAeff = 12 !exhaust gas HX modeling mode
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LMTDfundementalUAeff = 13 !exhaust gas HX modeling mode
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Condensing = 14           !exhaust gas HX modeling mode

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: SimpleEffConstraints = 21 !electrical storage modeling mode
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LeadAcidBatterySaupe = 22 !electrical storage modeling mode
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LeadAcidBatterManwellMcGowan = 23 ! electrical storage modeling mode

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: SurroundingZone = 31
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: AirInletForFC   = 32

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: OpModeOFF      = 1 ! CHP operating mode OFF
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: OpModeStandby  = 2 ! CHP operating mode Stand By
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: OpModeWarmUp   = 3 ! CHP operating mode Warm Up or start up
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: OpModeNormal   = 4 ! CHP operating mode Normal
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: opModeCoolDown = 5 ! CHP operating mode Cool down or shut down

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: fuelModeGaseousConstituents = 301
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: fuelModeGenericLiquid       = 302

    REAL(r64),    PARAMETER :: MinProductGasTemp = 100.0d0 ! Minimum bound on search for product gas temps
    REAL(r64),    PARAMETER :: MaxProductGasTemp = 2000.0d0 ! Maximum bound on search for product gas temps

    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NISTShomate    = 41
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NASAPolynomial = 42

    REAL(r64),    PARAMETER :: RinKJperMolpK  = 0.0083145d0 !R is ideal gas constant (kJ/mol-K)
    REAL(r64),    PARAMETER :: InitHRTemp     = 50.0d0 !Initialization temperature for heat recovery water

    REAL(r64),    PARAMETER :: ImBalanceTol  = 0.00001d0 ! used as fraction of electrical power at power module


TYPE FCPowerModuleStruct
   ! user input data
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name     = ' '  !name of this PowerModule data
    INTEGER                      :: EffMode  = 0 ! mode for efficiency curves
    INTEGER                      :: EffCurveID = 0 ! pointer to curve for efficiency
    REAL(r64)                    :: NomEff   = 0.0d0 ! nominal efficiency
    REAL(r64)                    :: NomPel  = 0.0d0 ! nominal power rate at rating point
    INTEGER                      :: NumCycles = 0  ! number of start stop cycles
    REAL(r64)                    :: CyclingDegradRat = 0.0d0 ! rate of degradation from cycles
    REAL(r64)                    :: NumRunHours = 0.0d0 ! number of hours of operation
    REAL(r64)                    :: OperateDegradRat = 0.0d0 ! rate of degradation from run time (per hour)
    REAL(r64)                    :: ThreshRunHours  = 0.0d0 ! number of hours before degradation starts
    REAL(r64)                    :: UpTranLimit = 0.0d0 !power up transient limit
    REAL(r64)                    :: DownTranLimit = 0.0d0 !power down tran limit
    REAL(r64)                    :: StartUpTime   = 0.0d0 !time for start up [hours]
    REAL(r64)                    :: StartUpFuel   = 0.0d0 !fuel use during start up
    REAL(r64)                    :: StartUpElectConsum  = 0.0d0 !electricity used during start up
    REAL(r64)                    :: StartUpElectProd  = 0.0d0 !electricity produced during start up
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShutDownTime  = 0.0d0 ! time to shut down [hours]
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShutDownFuel  = 0.0d0 ! fuel consumed during shut down
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShutDownElectConsum = 0.0d0 !Elect consumed during shut down
    REAL(r64)                    :: ANC0 = 0.0d0 ! Ancilliary Loads constant term
    REAL(r64)                    :: ANC1 = 0.0d0 ! Ancilliary Loads linear term
    INTEGER                      :: SkinLossMode = 0 ! how are skin losses determined
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: ZoneName = ' ' !
    Integer                      :: ZoneID = 0 ! "pointer" to zone with component in it
    REAL(r64)                    :: RadiativeFract = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: QdotSkin = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: UAskin = 0.0d0 !
    Integer                      :: SkinLossCurveID = 0 !
    INTEGER                      :: WaterSupplyCurveID = 0 ! pointer to curve for water use in reforming
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotDilutionAir = 0.0d0 ! user defined constant flow of dilution air (kmol/sec)
    REAL(r64)                    :: StackHeatLossToDilution = 0.0d0 ! (watts)
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: DilutionInletNodeName = ' ' !dilution -> AirHR ?? added air heat recovery path
    INTEGER                      :: DilutionInletNode = 0 ! pointer to node for inlet
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: DilutionExhaustNodeName = ' '
    INTEGER                      :: DilutionExhaustNode = 0 ! pointer to node getting exhaust
    REAL(r64)                    :: PelMin = 0.0d0 ! minimum operating point for FCPM electrical power Pel
    REAL(r64)                    :: PelMax = 0.0d0 ! maximum operating point for FCPM electrical power Pel
   !Calculated values and input from elsewhere

    REAL(r64)                    :: Pel             = 0.0d0 !current DC electrical power produced
    REAL(r64)                    :: PelLastTimeStep = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: Eel             = 0.0d0 ! power module efficiency
    REAL(r64)                    :: QdotStackCool   = 0.0d0 ! Heat removed by stack cooler
    REAL(r64)                    :: FractionalDayofLastStartUp = 0.0d0 !fractional days into simulation
    REAL(r64)                    :: FractionalDayofLastShutDown = 0.0d0 !fractional Days into simulations
    LOGICAL                      :: HasBeenOn =.true.
    LOGICAL                      :: DuringShutDown = .false.
    LOGICAL                      :: DuringStartUp = .false.
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotFuel = 0.0d0 ! molar fuel use rate.  (kmol/sec)
    REAL(r64)                    :: TotFuelInEnthalphy = 0.0d0 ! Enthalpy of fuel coming into FCPM (watts)
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotProdGas       = 0.0d0  !(kmol/sec)
    REAL(r64), DIMENSION(14)          :: ConstitMolalFract = 0.0d0
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(14)       :: GasLibID  = 0 ! lookup ID in Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array
    REAL(r64)                    :: TprodGasLeavingFCPM = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotAir  = 0.0d0 ! molar air use rate    (kmol/sec)
    REAL(r64)                    :: TotAirInEnthalphy  = 0.0d0 ! Enthalpy of air coming nto FCPM energy balance (watts)
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotLiqwater= 0.0d0    ! molar water use rate (kmol/sec)
    REAL(r64)                    :: TwaterInlet = 0.0d0    !
    REAL(r64)                    :: WaterInEnthalpy    = 0.0d0 ! Enthalpy of liquid water used for reforming (watts)
    REAL(r64)                    :: DilutionAirInEnthalpy = 0.0d0  ! Enthalpy of Dilution air coming into FCPM (watts)
    REAL(r64)                    :: DilutionAirOutEnthalpy = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: PelancillariesAC    = 0.0d0  !ancillary power (watts)
    REAL(r64)                    :: TotProdGasEnthalphy = 0.0d0 !Enthalphy of product gases leaving FCPM   (watts)
    REAL(r64)                    :: WaterOutEnthalpy    = 0.0d0 ! enthalpy of vapor from water used for reforming
    INTEGER                      :: SeqSubstitIter  = 0 !
    INTEGER                      :: RegulaFalsiIter = 0 !
END TYPE FCPowerModuleStruct

TYPE FCAirSupplyDataStruct
   ! user input data
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name = ' ' !name of this
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NodeName = ' ' ! Air supply node name
    INTEGER                      :: SupNodeNum = 0 ! Air supply node ID
    INTEGER                      :: BlowerPowerCurveID = 0 ! "pointer" to blower power quadratic
    REAL(r64)                    :: BlowerHeatLossFactor = 0.0d0 ! alpha for blower heat loss fraction
    INTEGER                      :: AirSupRateMode = 0 ! control for modeling method used to deterime supply air flow rate
    REAL(r64)                    :: Stoics = 0.0d0 !excess air ratio
    INTEGER                      :: AirFuncPelCurveID = 0 !"pointer" to curve for air as function of power
    REAL(r64)                    :: AirTempCoeff   = 0.0d0 ! coeff a3 in equ 16.
    INTEGER                      :: AirFuncNdotCurveID = 0 !"pointer" to curve for air as function of fuel flow rate
    INTEGER                      :: IntakeRecoveryMode = 0 !
    INTEGER                      :: ConstituentMode = 0 ! how are air data input
    INTEGER                      :: NumConstituents = 0 !
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength), DIMENSION(14) :: ConstitName = ' '
    REAL(r64), DIMENSION(14) :: ConstitMolalFract = 0.0d0
   !Calculated values and input from elsewhere
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(14)        :: GasLibID  = 0 ! lookup ID in Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array

    REAL(r64)                    :: O2fraction = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: TairIntoBlower = 0.0d0 ! temperature entering blower
    REAL(r64)                    :: TairIntoFCPM   = 0.0d0 ! temperature leaving blower and entering FCPM
    REAL(r64)                    :: PairCompEl     = 0.0d0 ! power drawn by compressor
    REAL(r64)                    :: QskinLoss      = 0.0d0 ! pumping losses for zone
    REAL(r64)                    :: QintakeRecovery = 0.0d0 !heat recovered on intake air by accessories

END TYPE FCAirSupplyDataStruct

TYPE FCStackCoolerDataStruct
    ! user input data
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name = ' ' !name of this stack cooler module
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: WaterInNodeName  = ' ' !HR Water Inlet Node
    INTEGER                      :: WaterInNode      = 0  ! HR Water Outlet Node ID
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: WaterOutNodeName = ' ' !HR water outlet Node name
    INTEGER                      :: WaterOutNode     = 0 ! HR Water outlet Node ID
    REAL(r64)                    :: TstackNom        = 0.0d0 ! nominal fuel cell stack temperature
    REAL(r64)                    :: TstackActual     = 0.0d0 ! actual fuel cell stack temperature
    REAL(r64)                    :: r0               = 0.0d0 ! stack cooling power coefficient r0
    REAL(r64)                    :: r1               = 0.0d0 ! stack cooling power coefficient r1
    REAL(r64)                    :: r2               = 0.0d0 ! stack cooling power coefficient r2
    REAL(r64)                    :: r3               = 0.0d0 ! stack cooling power coefficient r3
    REAL(r64)                    :: MdotStackCoolant = 0.0d0 ! stack coolant flow rate kg/s
    REAL(r64)                    :: UAs_cool         = 0.0d0 ! stack heat transfer coef
    REAL(r64)                    :: Fs_cogen         = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: As_cogen         = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: MdotCogenNom     = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: hCogenNom        = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ns               = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: PstackPumpEl     = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: PmpPowerLossFactor = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: f0 = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: f1 = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: f2 = 0.0d0

    ! calculated and from elsewhere
    LOGICAL                      :: StackCoolerPresent = .false. ! control modeling
    REAL(r64)                    :: qs_cool  = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: qs_air   = 0.0d0 !

END Type FCStackCoolerDataStruct

TYPE FCWaterSupplyDataStruct
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name = ' ' !name of this water supply module
    INTEGER                      :: WaterTempMode =0 ! temperature of water inlet determination
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NodeName = ' ' !node name for temperature at input
    INTEGER                      :: NodeNum = 0 ! node number for temperature at input
    INTEGER                      :: SchedNum = 0 ! water temperature at input
    INTEGER                      :: WaterSupRateCurveID = 0 ! "pointer" to water flow rate curve as a function of fuel rate
    INTEGER                      :: PmpPowerCurveID = 0 !"pointer to Pump power curve as a function of water flow Rate
    REAL(r64)                    :: PmpPowerLossFactor = 0.0d0 !Pump heat loss factor
    !calculated data
    LOGICAL                      :: IsModeled  = .TRUE.
    REAL(r64)                    :: TwaterIntoCompress = 0.0d0 ! inlet Water Temperature
    REAL(r64)                    :: TwaterIntoFCPM     = 0.0d0 ! pumped water temp
    REAL(r64)                    :: PwaterCompEl       = 0.0d0 ! water pump power
    REAL(r64)                    :: QskinLoss          = 0.0d0 ! pumping losses for zone

END TYPE FCWaterSupplyDataStruct

TYPE FCAuxilHeatDataStruct
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name      = ' ' !name of this auxiliary heating module
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: ZoneName  = ' '
    INTEGER                      :: ZoneID    = 0
    REAL(r64)                    :: UASkin    = 0.0d0 !for skin losses to zone
    REAL(r64)                    :: ExcessAirRAT = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: ANC0      = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ANC1      = 0.0d0
    INTEGER                      :: SkinLossDestination = 0 !control mode for where lost heat goes
    REAL(r64)                    :: MaxPowerW = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: MinPowerW = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: MaxPowerkmolperSec = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: MinPowerkmolperSec = 0.0d0
    ! calculated and from elsewhere
    INTEGER                      :: NumConstituents = 0
    REAL(r64)                    :: TauxMix           = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotAuxMix        = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64), DIMENSION(14)           :: ConstitMolalFract = 0.0d0
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(14)        :: GasLibID          = 0 ! lookup ID in Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array
    REAL(r64)                    :: QskinLoss         = 0.0d0 !Heat lost to room
    REAL(r64)                    :: QairIntake        = 0.0d0 ! heat into intake air

END TYPE FCAuxilHeatDataStruct

TYPE FCExhaustHXDataStruct
    ! user defined variables
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name             = ' ' !name of this exhaust gas heat recovery
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: WaterInNodeName  = ' ' !HR Water Inlet Node
    INTEGER                      :: WaterInNode      = 0  ! HR Water Outlet Node ID
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: WaterOutNodeName = ' ' !HR water outlet Node name
    INTEGER                      :: WaterOutNode     = 0 ! HR Water outlet Node ID
    REAL(r64)                    :: WaterVolumeFlowMax = 0.0d0 ! HR water flow rate max avail
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: ExhaustOutNodeName = ' ' ! air node for exhaust flow
    INTEGER                      :: ExhaustOutNode   = 0 ! Exhaust Air node ID
    INTEGER                      :: HXmodelMode      = 0  !Heat Exchanger Calculation Method
    REAL(r64)                    :: HXEffect         = 0.0d0 ! Heat Exchanger Effectiveness (method 1)
    REAL(r64)                    :: hxs0             = 0.0d0 !(method 2)
    REAL(r64)                    :: hxs1             = 0.0d0 ! (method 2)
    REAL(r64)                    :: hxs2             = 0.0d0 ! (method 2)
    REAL(r64)                    :: hxs3             = 0.0d0 ! (method 2)
    REAL(r64)                    :: hxs4             = 0.0d0 ! (method 2)
    REAL(r64)                    :: h0gas            = 0.0d0 ! (method 3)
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotGasRef       = 0.0d0 ! (method 3)
    REAL(r64)                    :: nCoeff           = 0.0d0 ! (method 3)
    REAL(r64)                    :: AreaGas          = 0.0d0 ! (method 3)
    REAL(r64)                    :: h0Water          = 0.0d0  ! (method 3)
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotWaterRef     = 0.0d0 !(method 3)
    REAL(r64)                    :: mCoeff           = 0.0d0 ! (method 3)
    REAL(r64)                    :: AreaWater        = 0.0d0 !(method 3)
    REAL(r64)                    :: Fadjust          = 0.0d0     ! (method 3)
    REAL(r64)                    :: l1Coeff          = 0.0d0 ! (method 4)
    REAL(r64)                    :: l2Coeff          = 0.0d0 ! (method 4)
    REAL(r64)                    :: CondensationThresholdTemp = 0.0d0 ! (method 4) [degrees C]
    REAL(r64)                    :: qHX = 0.0d0 ! heat flow from gas stream to water
    REAL(r64)                    :: THXexh = 0.0d0 ! temperature of exhaust gases leaving heat exchanger.
    REAL(r64)                    :: WaterMassFlowRateDesign = 0.0d0 !Design level of water flow rate
    REAL(r64)                    :: WaterMassFlowRate  = 0.0d0 ! water flow rate in plant loop
    REAL(r64)                    :: WaterInletTemp  = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: WaterVaporFractExh = 0.0d0 ! water vapor fraction in exhaust gas stream.
    REAL(r64)                    :: CondensateRate     = 0.0d0 ! water condensation rate.
    REAL(r64), DIMENSION(14)     :: ConstitMolalFract = 0.0d0
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(14)       :: GasLibID          = 0 ! lookup ID in Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotHXleaving       = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: WaterOutletTemp     = 0.0D0
    REAL(r64)                    :: WaterOutletEnthalpy = 0.0D0

END TYPE FCExhaustHXDataStruct

TYPE BatteryDichargeDataStruct
    ! user defined variables
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name = ' ' !name of this battery data set
    REAL(r64)                    :: NumInSeries = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NumInParallel = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NominalVoltage = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: LowVoltsDischarged = 0.0d0 !not used
    INTEGER                      :: NumTablePairs = 0
    REAL(r64), Allocatable, Dimension(:) :: DischargeCurrent  ! amps
    REAL(r64), Allocatable, Dimension(:) :: DischargeTime     ! hours
    ! calculated variables
    REAL(r64)                    :: k =0.0d0 !parameter in Manwell McGowan model
    REAL(r64)                    :: c =0.0d0 !parameter in Manwell McGowan model
    REAL(r64)                    :: qmax =0.0d0 !parameter in Manwell McGowan model

END TYPE BatteryDichargeDataStruct

TYPE FCElecStorageDataStruct
    !user defined variables
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name = ' ' !name of this electrical storage module
    INTEGER                      :: StorageModelMode = 0
    REAL(r64)                    :: StartingEnergyStored = 0.0d0 !joules inside
    REAL(r64)                    :: EnergeticEfficCharge = 0.0d0 ! for
    REAL(r64)                    :: EnergeticEfficDischarge = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: MaxPowerDraw  = 0.0d0 ! for simple bucket method 0
    REAL(r64)                    :: MaxPowerStore  = 0.0d0 ! for simple bucket method 0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NominalVoltage = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: NominalEnergyCapacity = 0.0d0 ! [J]
    !calculated and from elsewhere vars
    REAL(r64)                    :: ThisTimeStepStateOfCharge =0.0d0 ! [J]
    REAL(r64)                    :: LastTimeStepStateOfCharge =0.0d0 ! [J]
    REAL(r64)                    :: PelNeedFromStorage =0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: IdesiredDischargeCurrent = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: PelFromStorage  = 0.0d0 ! power
    REAL(r64)                    :: IfromStorage = 0.0d0 ! current this timestepm
    REAL(r64)                    :: PelIntoStorage = 0.0d0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: QairIntake =0.0d0 ! heat into intake air
    !nested structures
    TYPE(BatteryDichargeDataStruct) :: Battery

END TYPE FCElecStorageDataStruct

TYPE FCInverterDataStruct
    ! user-defined data
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name = ' ' !name of this inverter
    INTEGER                      :: EffMode = 0 !efficiency calculation mode
    REAL(r64)                    :: ConstEff = 0.0d0 !
    INTEGER                      :: EffQuadraticCurveID = 0
    ! calculated and from elsewhere
    REAL(r64)                    :: PCUlosses  = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: QairIntake =0.0d0

END TYPE FCInverterDataStruct

TYPE FCReportDataStruct  !these are all for reporting only!
       REAL(r64)    :: ACPowerGen                 = 0.0d0 ! reporting: power (W)
       REAL(r64)    :: ACEnergyGen                = 0.0d0 ! reporting: energy (J)

       REAL(r64)    :: QdotExhaust                = 0.0d0 ! reporting: exhaust gas heat recovered (W)
       REAL(r64)    :: TotalHeatEnergyRec         = 0.0d0 ! reporting: total heat recovered (J)
       REAL(r64)    :: ExhaustEnergyRec           = 0.0d0 ! reporting: exhaust gas heat recovered (J)
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelEnergyLHV              = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(J)
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelEnergyUseRateLHV       = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(W)
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelEnergyHHV              = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(J)
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelEnergyUseRateHHV       = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(W)
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelRateMdot               = 0.0d0 ! (Kg/s)
       REAL(r64)    :: HeatRecInletTemp           = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Heat Recovery Loop Inlet Temperature (C)
       REAL(r64)    :: HeatRecOutletTemp          = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Heat Recovery Loop Outlet Temperature (C)
       REAL(r64)    :: HeatRecMdot                = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Heat Recovery Loop Mass flow rate (kg/s)
        ! air supply and blower
       REAL(r64)    :: TairInlet         = 0.0d0 ! State point 1
       REAL(r64)    :: TairIntoFCPM      = 0.0d0 ! Temperature at State point 4
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotAir           = 0.0d0 ! air flow in kmol/sec
       REAL(r64)    :: TotAirInEnthalphy = 0.0d0 ! Enthalpy at State point 4
       REAL(r64)    :: BlowerPower       = 0.0d0 ! electrical power used by air supply blower
       REAL(r64)    :: BlowerEnergy      = 0.0d0 ! electrical energy used by air supply blower
       REAL(r64)    :: BlowerSkinLoss    = 0.0d0 ! heat rate of losses by blower
        !fuel supply and compressor
       REAL(r64)    :: TfuelInlet     = 0.0d0 ! State point 2 [C]
       REAL(r64)    :: TfuelIntoFCPM  = 0.0d0 ! state point 5 [C]
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotFuel       = 0.0d0 ! fuel flow in [kmol/sec]
       REAL(r64)    :: TotFuelInEnthalpy = 0.0d0 ! state point 5 [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelCompressPower = 0.0d0 ! electrical power used by fuel supply compressor [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelCompressEnergy= 0.0d0 ! electrical energy used by fuel supply compressor [J]
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelCompressSkinLoss = 0.0d0 !heat rate of fuel supply compressor [W]
        !reformer water supply
       REAL(r64)    :: TwaterInlet    = 0.0d0 ! State point 3
       REAL(r64)    :: TwaterIntoFCPM = 0.0d0 ! State point 6
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotWater      = 0.0d0 ! water flow in kmol/sec (reformer water)
       REAL(r64)    :: WaterPumpPower = 0.0d0 ! electrical power used by water pump [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: WaterPumpEnergy = 0.0d0 ! electrical energy used by water pump [J]
       REAL(r64)    :: WaterIntoFCPMEnthalpy = 0.0d0  ! state point 6
        !product (exhaust) gas leaving power module
       REAL(r64)    :: TprodGas       = 0.0d0 ! State point 7 Product Gas temperature
       REAL(r64)    :: EnthalProdGas  = 0.0d0 ! state point 7 product gas enthalpy
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotProdGas    = 0.0d0 ! point 7 flow rate [kmol/sec]
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotProdAr     = 0.0d0 ! argon flow rate at point 7
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotProdCO2    = 0.0d0 ! carbon dioxide flow rate at point 7
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotProdH2O    = 0.0d0 ! water vapor flow rate at point 7
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotProdN2     = 0.0d0 ! nitrogen flow rate at point 7
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotProdO2     = 0.0d0 ! oxygen flow rate at point 7

       !heat exchanger for water to exhaust heat recovery
       REAL(r64)    :: qHX = 0.0d0 ! heat flow from gas stream to water [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: HXenergy = 0.0d0 !energy from gas stream to water [J]
       REAL(r64)    :: THXexh = 0.0d0 ! temperature of exhaust gases leaving heat exchanger.
       REAL(r64)    :: WaterVaporFractExh = 0.0d0 ! water vapor fraction in exhaust gas stream
                                           ! relative to water vapor entering HX  (NdotH20/Ndoaux-mix)
       REAL(r64)    :: CondensateRate     = 0.0d0 ! water condensation rate [kmol/s]

       INTEGER :: SeqSubstIterations = 0 ! number of iterations in SOFC loop
       INTEGER :: RegulaFalsiIterations = 0 ! number of iterations in Tproduct gas solving

       REAL(r64)    :: ACancillariesPower  = 0.0d0 !
       REAL(r64)    :: ACancillariesEnergy = 0.0d0 !
       REAL(r64)    :: PCUlosses = 0.0d0  ! power conditioning Unit losses
       REAL(r64)    :: DCPowerGen = 0.0d0 ! Pel, Power module power level [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: DCPowerEff = 0.0d0 ! Eel, power module efficiency []
       REAL(r64)    :: ElectEnergyinStorage = 0.0d0 ! State of charge in Electrical Storage [J]
       REAL(r64)    :: StoredPower = 0.0d0 ! Power added to Electrical Storage [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: StoredEnergy = 0.0d0 ! energy added to Electrical STorage [J]
       REAL(r64)    :: DrawnPower = 0.0d0 ! Power drawn from Electrical STorage [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: DrawnEnergy = 0.0d0 ! Energy drawn from Electrical STorage [J]

       REAL(r64)    :: SkinLossPower   = 0.0d0 ! heat loss to surrounding zone [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: SkinLossEnergy  = 0.0d0 ! heat loss to surround zone [J]
       REAL(r64)    :: SkinLossConvect = 0.0d0 ! convective heat loss to zone [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: SkinLossRadiat  = 0.0d0 ! radiative heat loss to zone [W}

       REAL(r64)    :: ElectEfficiency  = 0.0d0
       REAL(r64)    :: ThermalEfficiency = 0.0d0
       REAL(r64)    :: OverallEfficiency = 0.0d0
       REAL(r64)    :: ExergyEfficiency  = 0.0d0

END TYPE FCReportDataStruct
TYPE FCDataStruct
  ! from input data and nested types for subsystems
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name           = ' ' ! user identifier
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NameFCPM       = ' ' ! name of FC Power Module
    TYPE(FCPowerModuleStruct)    :: FCPM                 ! data for Power Module
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NameFCAirSup   = ' ' ! name of air supply module for fuel cell
    TYPE(FCAirSupplyDataStruct)  :: AirSup               ! data for air supply module
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NameFCFuelSup  = ' ' ! name of fuel supply module
    INTEGER                      :: FuelSupNum     = 0   ! indes for fuel supply module structure
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NameFCWaterSup = ' ' ! name of water supply module
    TYPE(FCWaterSupplyDataStruct):: WaterSup             ! data for water supply module
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NameFCAuxilHeat= ' ' ! name of auxiliary heating module
    TYPE(FCAuxilHeatDataStruct)  :: AuxilHeat            ! data for auxiliary heating module
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NameExhaustHX  = ' ' ! name of Exhaust HX module
    TYPE(FCExhaustHXDataStruct)  :: ExhaustHX            ! data for Exhaust heat exchanger module
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NameElecStorage= ' ' ! name of Battery module
    TYPE(FCElecStorageDataStruct):: ElecStorage          ! data for Battery module
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NameInverter   = ' ' ! name of Inverter Module
    TYPE(FCInverterDataStruct)   :: Inverter             ! data for INverter module
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NameStackCooler   = ' ' ! name of Inverter Module
    TYPE(FCStackCoolerDataStruct) :: StackCooler             ! data for INverter module
    INTEGER                      :: CWLoopNum     = 0  ! cooling water plant loop index number
    INTEGER                      :: CWLoopSideNum = 0  ! cooling water plant loop side index
    INTEGER                      :: CWBranchNum   = 0  ! cooling water plant loop branch index
    INTEGER                      :: CWCompNum     = 0  ! cooling water plant loop component index
    TYPE(FCReportDataStruct)     :: Report               ! data for reporting as E+ output variables

   ! calculated whole-system level variables
    REAL(r64)                    :: ACPowerGen   = 0.0d0 ! Net output from SOFC unit
    REAL(r64)                    :: QconvZone    = 0.0d0  ! convective heat lost to surrounding zone
    REAL(r64)                    :: QradZone     = 0.0d0  ! radiative heat lost to surrounding zone
    INTEGER                      :: DynamicsControlID = 0 !
    REAL(r64)                    :: TimeElapsed  = 0.0d0 ! used to track when timestep has changed

TYPE GeneratorFuelSupplyDataStruct
   ! user input data
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name = ' ' !name of this fuel supply module
    INTEGER                      :: FuelTempMode = 0 ! temperature of fuel node
    INTEGER                      :: FuelTypeMode = 0 ! type of fuel, gasous or liquid
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: NodeName = ' ' !node name for temperature at input
    INTEGER                      :: NodeNum = 0 ! node number for temperature at input
    INTEGER                      :: SchedNum = 0 ! fuel temperature at input
    INTEGER                      :: CompPowerCurveID = 0 ! "pointer" to compressor power cubic curve
    REAL(r64)                    :: CompPowerLossFactor = 0.0d0
    INTEGER                      :: NumConstituents  !number of constituents in fue supply
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength), DIMENSION(14) :: ConstitName = ' '
    REAL(r64),   DIMENSION(14)        :: ConstitMolalFract = 0.0d0

    !calculated data (except some for generic liquid)
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(14)       :: GasLibID  = 0 ! lookup ID in Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array
    REAL(r64)                    :: LHV  = 0.0d0     ! lower heating value of gaseous fuel (kJ/mol)
    REAL(r64)                    :: LHVJperkg = 0.0d0  ! lower heating value of gaseous fuel (J/kg)
    REAL(r64)                    :: LHVliquid = 0.0d0 ! userdefined lhv for generic liquid (J/kg)
    REAL(r64)                    :: HHV  = 0.0d0     ! higher heating value of fuel (J/kg)
    REAL(r64)                    :: MW   = 0.0d0     ! molecular weight g/mol
    REAL(r64)                    :: eCO2  = 0.0d0     ! mass flow based CO2 emmissions factor for complete combustion (-)
    REAL(r64)                    :: KmolPerSecToKgPerSec = 0.0d0 ! conversion from moles to kilograms for this fuel. (
    REAL(r64)                    :: StoicOxygenRate = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: TfuelIntoCompress = 0.0d0  ! inlet fuel temperature
    REAL(r64)                    :: TfuelIntoFCPM     = 0.0d0  ! compressed fuel temp
    REAL(r64)                    :: PfuelCompEl       = 0.0d0  ! fuel compressor power
    REAL(r64)                    :: QskinLoss         = 0.0d0  ! pumping losses for zone
    REAL(r64)                    :: CO2ProductGasCoef = 0.0d0  ! molar multiplier for stoic products of this fuel
    REAL(r64)                    :: H20ProductGasCoef = 0.0d0  ! molar multiplier for stoic products of this fuel

END TYPE GeneratorFuelSupplyDataStruct

TYPE GasPropertyDataStruct
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: ConstituentName           = ' ' !
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: ConstituentFormula        = ' '
    REAL(r64)                    :: StdRefMolarEnthOfForm     = 0.0d0 !
    INTEGER                      :: ThermoMode = 0 ! method of calculation for thermodynamics
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShomateA = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShomateB = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShomateC = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShomateD = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShomateE = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShomateF = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShomateG = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShomateH = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NumCarbons = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NumHydrogens = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NumOxygens   = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: MolecularWeight = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NASA_A1 = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NASA_A2 = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NASA_A3 = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NASA_A4 = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NASA_A5 = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NASA_A6 = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NASA_A7 = 0.0d0

TYPE GeneratorDynamicsManagerStruct
   ! user input data
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name = ' '
    REAL(r64)                    :: PelMin = 0.0d0 ! minimum operating point for electrical power Pel
    REAL(r64)                    :: PelMax = 0.0d0 ! maximum operating point for electrical power Pel
    REAL(r64)                    :: UpTranLimit = 0.0d0 !power up transient limit W/s
    REAL(r64)                    :: DownTranLimit = 0.0d0 !power down tran limit  W/s
    REAL(r64)                    :: UpTranLimitFuel = 0.0d0 ! fuel up transient limit kg/s
    REAL(r64)                    :: DownTranLimitFuel = 0.0d0 ! fuel down transient limit kg/s

    LOGICAL                      :: WarmUpByTimeDelay = .false. ! Warm up mode control
    LOGICAL                      :: WarmUpByEngineTemp = .true. ! Warm up mode control
    REAL(r64)                    :: StartUpTimeDelay   = 0.0d0 !time for start up [hours]
    REAL(r64)                    :: WarmUpDelay   = 0.0d0 ! time for warm up delay [s]

    REAL(r64)                    :: StartUpFuel   = 0.0d0 !fuel use during start up
    REAL(r64)                    :: StartUpElectConsum  = 0.0d0 !electricity used during start up
    REAL(r64)                    :: StartUpElectProd  = 0.0d0 !electricity produced during start up

    REAL(r64)                    :: ShutDownFuel  = 0.0d0 ! fuel consumed during shut down
    REAL(r64)                    :: ShutDownElectConsum = 0.0d0 !Elect consumed during shut down
    REAL(r64)                    :: PcoolDown = 0.0d0 !power during cool down
    REAL(r64)                    :: CoolDownDelay = 0.0d0  ! time for cool down delay [hours]

    INTEGER                      :: NumCyclesInit = 0  ! number of start stop cycles at beginning
    REAL(r64)                    :: NumRunHoursInit = 0.0d0 ! number of hours of operation beginning

    REAL(r64)                    :: Pstandby = 0.0d0  ! standby power [w]
    REAL(r64)                    :: MCeng = 0.0d0 ! aggregated thermal mass of engine [  ]
    REAL(r64)                    :: MCcw  = 0.0d0 ! aggregated thermal mass of heat recovery [   ]
    REAL(r64)                    :: kf = 0.0d0 ! coefficient k_f for warmup fuel flow rate
    REAL(r64)                    :: TnomEngOp = 0.0d0 ! nominal engine operating temperature [C]
    REAL(r64)                    :: kp = 0.0d0 ! coefficient k_p for warmup power

    LOGICAL                      :: MandatoryFullCoolDown = .false. !
    LOGICAL                      :: WarmRestartOkay       = .true.
    INTEGER                      :: AvailabilitySchedID   = 0

   !Calculated values and input from elsewhere
    INTEGER                       :: CurrentOpMode  = OpModeOFF ! current operating mode, uses params like OpModeNormal
    INTEGER                       :: LastOpMode     = OpModeOFF !
    REAL(r64)                     :: FractionalDayofLastShutDown = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                     :: FractionalDayofLastStartUp = 0.0d0
    LOGICAL                       :: HasBeenOn = .false.
    LOGICAL                       :: DuringStartUp = .false.
    LOGICAL                       :: DuringShutDown = .false.
    REAL(r64)                     :: FuelMdotLastTimestep  = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                     :: PelLastTimeStep = 0.0d0
    INTEGER                       :: NumCycles =0
    REAL(r64)                     :: PLRforSubtimestepStartUp = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                     :: PLRforSubtimestepShutDown = 0.0d0 ! part load for not in shut down, shut down part is (1 - PLR)
    REAL(r64)                     :: ElectEffNom = 0.0d0 ! efficiency to use for control decisions
    REAL(r64)                     :: ThermEffNom = 0.0d0 ! thermal efficiency to use fo control decisions
    REAL(r64)                     :: QdotHXMax = 0.0d0 ! Thermal power max
    REAL(r64)                     :: QdotHXMin = 0.0d0 ! thermal power min
    REAL(r64)                     :: QdotHXOpt = 0.0d0 ! thermal power nominal/optimal
END TYPE !GeneratorDynamicsManagerStruct

Type MicroCHPParamsNonNormalized
    !user parameters
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name     = ' '  !name of this PowerModule data
    REAL(r64)                    :: MaxElecPower = 0.0d0 ! net electric power [W]
    REAL(r64)                    :: MinElecPower = 0.0d0 ! net electric power [W]
    REAL(r64)                    :: MinWaterMdot = 0.0d0 ! minimum cooling water flow [kg/s]
    REAL(r64)                    :: MaxWaterTemp = 0.0d0 ! limit temp for inlet cooling water [C]
    INTEGER                      :: ElecEffCurveID = 0 ! index for TriQuadratic for electrical efficiency
    INTEGER                      :: ThermalEffCurveID = 0 !index for TriQuadric for thermal efficiency
    LOGICAL                      :: InternalFlowControl = .false. ! Plant or Internal Flow rate control?
    LOGICAL                      :: PlantFlowControl = .true.  ! default is plant control
    INTEGER                      :: WaterFlowCurveID =0 ! index for BiQuadratic for water flow rate internal control
    INTEGER                      :: AirFlowCurveID =0 ! index for Quadratic for generator air flow
    REAL(r64)                    :: DeltaPelMax =0.0d0 ! max rate of change in net electric power [W/s}
    REAL(r64)                    :: DeltaFuelMdotMax = 0.0d0 !Maximum Rate of change in fuel flow rate [kmol/s2]
    REAL(r64)                    :: UAhx = 0.0d0 ! heat exchanger UA [W/K]
    REAL(r64)                    :: UAskin = 0.0d0 ! skin loss UA [W/K]
    REAL(r64)                    :: RadiativeFraction =0.0d0 ! skin loss fraction to radiant energy []
    REAL(r64)                    :: MCeng = 0.0d0 ! aggregated thermal mass of engine [J/K]
    REAL(r64)                    :: MCcw  = 0.0d0 ! aggregated thermal mass of heat recovery [J/k]
    REAL(r64)                    :: Pstandby = 0.0d0  ! standby power [w]
    LOGICAL                      :: WarmUpByTimeDelay = .false. ! Warm up mode control
    LOGICAL                      :: WarmUpByEngineTemp = .true. ! Warm up mode control
    REAL(r64)                    :: kf = 0.0d0 ! coefficient k_f for warmup fuel flow rate
    REAL(r64)                    :: TnomEngOp = 0.0d0 ! nominal engine operating temperature [C]
    REAL(r64)                    :: kp = 0.0d0 ! coefficient k_p for warmup power
    REAL(r64)                    :: Rfuelwarmup = 0.0d0 ! Warm Up Fuel Flow Rate Limit Ratio
    REAL(r64)                    :: WarmUpDelay = 0.0d0 ! time for warm up delay [s]
    REAL(r64)                    :: PcoolDown = 0.0d0 !power during cool down
    REAL(r64)                    :: CoolDownDelay = 0.0d0  ! time for cool down delay [s]
    LOGICAL                      :: MandatoryFullCoolDown = .false. !
    LOGICAL                      :: WarmRestartOkay       = .true.
    ! calculated and from elsewhere
    REAL(r64)                    :: TimeElapsed = 0.0d0     ! Fraction of the current hour that has elapsed (h)
                                                          ! Saved in order to identify the beginning of a new system time
    INTEGER                      :: opMode = 0
    REAL(r64)    :: OffModeTime      = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in Off mode
    REAL(r64)    :: StandyByModeTime = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in standby mode
    REAL(r64)    :: WarmUpModeTime   = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in warm up mode
    REAL(r64)    :: NormalModeTime   = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in normal mode
    REAL(r64)    :: CoolDownModeTime = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in Cool down mode
    REAL(r64)                    :: TengLast = 20.0d0  ! last timestep's value for engine temperature
    REAL(r64)                    :: TempCWOutLast = 20.0d0  !  last timestep's value for cooling water outlet temperature
    REAL(r64)                    :: Pnet = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ElecEff = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: Qgross = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: ThermEff = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: Qgenss = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: NdotFuel = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: MdotFuel = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: Teng = 20.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: Tcwin = 20.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: Tcwout = 20.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: MdotAir = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: QdotSkin = 0.0d0 ! rate of heat loss to zone
    REAL(r64)                    :: QdotConvZone = 0.0d0
    REAL(r64)                    :: QdotRadZone= 0.0d0

TYPE MicroCHPReportDataStruct  !these are all for reporting only!
       INTEGER :: Mode                       = 0 ! report operating mode (dev only, remove at end)
       REAL(r64)    :: OffModeTime                = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in Off mode
       REAL(r64)    :: StandyByModeTime           = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in standby mode
       REAL(r64)    :: WarmUpModeTime             = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in warm up mode
       REAL(r64)    :: NormalModeTime             = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in normal mode
       REAL(r64)    :: CoolDownModeTime           = 0.0d0 ! amount of time generator spent in Cool down mode

       REAL(r64)    :: ACPowerGen                 = 0.0d0 ! reporting: power (W)
       REAL(r64)    :: ACEnergyGen                = 0.0d0 ! reporting: energy (J)
       REAL(r64)    :: Qdotgross                  = 0.0d0 ! reporting: interim gross power (W)
       REAL(r64)    :: Qgenss                     = 0.0d0 ! reporting: net recovered heat rate steadystate(0)
       REAL(r64)    :: QdotHX                     = 0.0d0 ! reporting: rate of heat exchange from engine to coolant (W)
       REAL(r64)    :: QdotHR                     = 0.0d0 ! reporting: rate of heat recovered (W)
       REAL(r64)    :: Tengine                    = 0.0d0 ! reporting: engine mass temperature (C)

       REAL(r64)    :: TotalHeatEnergyRec         = 0.0d0 ! reporting: total heat recovered (J)
       REAL(r64)    :: ExhaustEnergyRec           = 0.0d0 ! reporting: exhaust gas heat recovered (J)
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelEnergyLHV              = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(J)
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelEnergyUseRateLHV       = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(W)
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelEnergyHHV              = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Fuel Energy used in Higher Heating Value(J)
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelEnergyUseRateHHV       = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Fuel Energy used in Higher Heating Value(W)
       REAL(r64)    :: HeatRecInletTemp           = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Heat Recovery Loop Inlet Temperature (C)
       REAL(r64)    :: HeatRecOutletTemp          = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Heat Recovery Loop Outlet Temperature (C)
       REAL(r64)    :: HeatRecMdot                = 0.0d0 ! reporting: Heat Recovery Loop Mass flow rate (kg/s)

       ! air supply and blower
       REAL(r64)    :: TairInlet         = 0.0d0 ! State point 1
       REAL(r64)    :: MdotAir           = 0.0d0 ! air flow in kmol/sec
        !fuel supply and compressor
       REAL(r64)    :: TfuelInlet     = 0.0d0 ! State point 2 [C]
       REAL(r64)    :: NdotFuel       = 0.0d0 ! fuel flow in [kmol/sec]
       REAL(r64)    :: MdotFuel       = 0.0d0 ! fuel flow in [kg/s]
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelCompressPower = 0.0d0 ! electrical power used by fuel supply compressor [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelCompressEnergy= 0.0d0 ! electrical energy used by fuel supply compressor [J]
       REAL(r64)    :: FuelCompressSkinLoss = 0.0d0 !heat rate of fuel supply compressor [W]

       !heat exchanger for water to exhaust heat recovery
    !   REAL(r64)    :: qHX = 0.0d0 ! heat flow from gas stream to water [W]
    !   REAL(r64)    :: HXenergy = 0.0d0 !energy from gas stream to water [J]
    !   REAL(r64)    :: THXexh = 0.0d0 ! temperature of exhaust gases leaving heat exchanger.
    !   REAL(r64)    :: WaterVaporFractExh = 0.0d0 ! water vapor fraction in exhaust gas stream
                                           ! relative to water vapor entering HX  (NdotH20/Ndoaux-mix)

   !    INTEGER :: SeqSubstIterations = 0 ! number of iterations in SOFC loop
   !    INTEGER :: RegulaFalsiIterations = 0 ! number of iterations in Tproduct gas solving

       REAL(r64)    :: SkinLossPower   = 0.0d0 ! heat loss to surrounding zone [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: SkinLossEnergy  = 0.0d0 ! heat loss to surround zone [J]
       REAL(r64)    :: SkinLossConvect = 0.0d0 ! convective heat loss to zone [W]
       REAL(r64)    :: SkinLossRadiat  = 0.0d0 ! radiative heat loss to zone [W}

       REAL(r64)    :: ElectEfficiency  = 0.0d0
       REAL(r64)    :: ThermalEfficiency = 0.0d0
       REAL(r64)    :: OverallEfficiency = 0.0d0

END TYPE MicroCHPReportDataStruct

TYPE MicroCHPDataStruct
   ! user input data
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: Name                = ' '  !name of this Micro CHP Generator
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: ParamObjName        = '' !name of parameter object
    Type(MicroCHPParamsNonNormalized):: A42Model ! Nested parameter data structure
    LOGICAL                      :: ModelTypeAnnex42  = .true. ! normalized =  non-normalized?
    REAL(r64)                    :: NomEff   = 0.0D0 ! nominal efficiency
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: ZoneName = '' !
    INTEGER                      :: ZoneID = 0 !
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: PlantInletNodeName  = ''
    INTEGER                      :: PlantInletNodeID    = 0
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: PlantOutletNodeName = ''
    INTEGER                      :: PlantOutletNodeID   = 0
    REAL(r64)        :: PlantMassFlowRate   = 0.0D0  ! only if internal control
    REAL(r64)        :: PlantMassFlowRateMax = 0.0D0 ! hardware limit for node%massflowrateMax
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: AirInletNodeName    = ''
    INTEGER                      :: AirInletNodeID      = 0
    CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength) :: AirOutletNodeName   = ''
    INTEGER                      :: AirOutletNodeID     = 0
    TYPE(MicroCHPReportDataStruct)::Report ! structure of report variables
    INTEGER                      :: FuelSupplyID        = 0 ! index for fuel supply data structure
    INTEGER                      :: DynamicsControlID   = 0 ! index in GeneratorDynamics data where control issues are handled
    INTEGER                      :: AvailabilitySchedID = 0 !index for availability schedule
    INTEGER                      :: CWLoopNum     = 0  ! cooling water plant loop index number
    INTEGER                      :: CWLoopSideNum = 0  ! cooling water plant loop side index
    INTEGER                      :: CWBranchNum   = 0  ! cooling water plant loop branch index
    INTEGER                      :: CWCompNum     = 0  ! cooling water plant loop component index

TYPE (FCDataStruct),    ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)  :: FuelCell  !dimension to number of machines
TYPE (GasPropertyDataStruct), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: GasPhaseThermoChemistryData
TYPE (GeneratorFuelSupplyDataStruct), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: FuelSupply !fuel supply (reused across various)
TYPE (MicroCHPDataStruct), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)            :: MicroCHP
TYPE (MicroCHPParamsNonNormalized), Allocatable, Dimension(:)   :: MicroCHPParamInput !  Used during get input then put into nested
TYPE (GeneratorDynamicsManagerStruct) , Allocatable, Dimension(:)  :: GeneratorDynamics

INTEGER  :: NumFuelConstit=0
INTEGER  :: NumGeneratorFuelSups=0
INTEGER  :: NumFuelCellGenerators=0 ! number of SOFC Generators specified in input
INTEGER  :: NumMicroCHPs=0 !
INTEGER  :: NumMicroCHPParams  =0  ! number of parameter sets for micro chp
INTEGER  :: NumGensWDynamics =0 ! number of dynamics controls for generators

!     NOTICE
!     Copyright © 1996-2013 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
!     and The Regents of the University of California through Ernest Orlando Lawrence
!     Berkeley National Laboratory.  All rights reserved.
!     Portions of the EnergyPlus software package have been developed and copyrighted
!     by other individuals, companies and institutions.  These portions have been
!     incorporated into the EnergyPlus software package under license.   For a complete
!     list of contributors, see "Notice" located in EnergyPlus.f90.
!     NOTICE: The U.S. Government is granted for itself and others acting on its
!     behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in this data to
!     reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly.
!     Beginning five (5) years after permission to assert copyright is granted,
!     subject to two possible five year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for
!     itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, non-exclusive, irrevocable
!     worldwide license in this data to reproduce, prepare derivative works,
!     distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to
!     permit others to do so.
!     TRADEMARKS: EnergyPlus is a trademark of the US Department of Energy.

END MODULE DataGenerators

AirflowNetworkBalanceManager.f90 AirflowNetworkSolver.f90 BaseboardRadiator.f90 BaseboardRadiatorElectric.f90 BaseboardRadiatorSteam.f90 BaseboardRadiatorWater.f90 BranchInputManager.f90 BranchNodeConnections.f90 ConductionTransferFunctionCalc.f90 CoolTower.f90 CostEstimateManager.f90 CurveManager.f90 CVFOnlyRoutines.f90 DataAirflowNetwork.f90 DataAirLoop.f90 DataAirSystems.f90 DataBranchAirLoopPlant.f90 DataBranchNodeConnections.f90 DataBSDFWindow.f90 DataComplexFenestration.f90 DataContaminantBalance.f90 DataConvergParams.f90 DataConversions.f90 DataCostEstimate.f90 DataDaylighting.f90 DataDaylightingDevices.f90 Datadefineequip.f90 DataDElight.f90 DataEnvironment.f90 DataEquivalentLayerWindow.f90 DataErrorTracking.f90 DataGenerators.f90 DataGlobalConstants.f90 DataGlobals.f90 DataHeatBalance.f90 DataHeatBalFanSys.f90 DataHeatBalSurface.f90 DataHVACControllers.f90 DataHVACGlobals.f90 DataInterfaces.f90 DataIPShortCuts.f90 DataLoopNode.f90 DataMoistureBalance.f90 DataMoistureBalanceEMPD.f90 DataOutputs.f90 DataPhotovoltaics.f90 DataPlant.f90 DataPlantPipingSystems.f90 DataPrecisionGlobals.f90 DataReportingFlags.f90 DataRoomAir.f90 DataRootFinder.f90 DataRuntimeLanguage.f90 DataShadowingCombinations.f90 DataSizing.f90 DataStringGlobals.f90 DataSurfaceColors.f90 DataSurfaceLists.f90 DataSurfaces.f90 DataSystemVariables.f90 DataTimings.f90 DataUCSDSharedData.f90 DataVectorTypes.f90 DataViewFactorInformation.f90 DataWater.f90 DataZoneControls.f90 DataZoneEnergyDemands.f90 DataZoneEquipment.f90 DaylightingDevices.f90 DaylightingManager.f90 DElightManagerF.f90 DElightManagerF_NO.f90 DemandManager.f90 DesiccantDehumidifiers.f90 DirectAir.f90 DisplayRoutines.f90 DXCoil.f90 EarthTube.f90 EconomicLifeCycleCost.f90 EconomicTariff.f90 EcoRoof.f90 ElectricPowerGenerators.f90 ElectricPowerManager.f90 EMSManager.f90 EnergyPlus.f90 ExteriorEnergyUseManager.f90 ExternalInterface_NO.f90 FanCoilUnits.f90 FaultsManager.f90 FluidProperties.f90 General.f90 GeneralRoutines.f90 GlobalNames.f90 HeatBalanceAirManager.f90 HeatBalanceConvectionCoeffs.f90 HeatBalanceHAMTManager.f90 HeatBalanceInternalHeatGains.f90 HeatBalanceIntRadExchange.f90 HeatBalanceManager.f90 HeatBalanceMovableInsulation.f90 HeatBalanceSurfaceManager.f90 HeatBalFiniteDifferenceManager.f90 HeatRecovery.f90 Humidifiers.f90 HVACControllers.f90 HVACCooledBeam.f90 HVACDualDuctSystem.f90 HVACDuct.f90 HVACDXSystem.f90 HVACEvapComponent.f90 HVACFanComponent.f90 HVACFurnace.f90 HVACHeatingCoils.f90 HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil.f90 HVACInterfaceManager.f90 HVACManager.f90 HVACMixerComponent.f90 HVACMultiSpeedHeatPump.f90 HVACSingleDuctInduc.f90 HVACSingleDuctSystem.f90 HVACSplitterComponent.f90 HVACStandAloneERV.f90 HVACSteamCoilComponent.f90 HVACTranspiredCollector.f90 HVACUnitaryBypassVAV.f90 HVACUnitarySystem.f90 HVACVariableRefrigerantFlow.f90 HVACWaterCoilComponent.f90 HVACWatertoAir.f90 HVACWatertoAirMultiSpeedHP.f90 InputProcessor.f90 MatrixDataManager.f90 MixedAir.f90 MoistureBalanceEMPDManager.f90 NodeInputManager.f90 NonZoneEquipmentManager.f90 OutAirNodeManager.f90 OutdoorAirUnit.f90 OutputProcessor.f90 OutputReportPredefined.f90 OutputReports.f90 OutputReportTabular.f90 PackagedTerminalHeatPump.f90 PackagedThermalStorageCoil.f90 Photovoltaics.f90 PhotovoltaicThermalCollectors.f90 PlantAbsorptionChillers.f90 PlantBoilers.f90 PlantBoilersSteam.f90 PlantCentralGSHP.f90 PlantChillers.f90 PlantCondLoopOperation.f90 PlantCondLoopTowers.f90 PlantEIRChillers.f90 PlantEvapFluidCoolers.f90 PlantExhaustAbsorptionChiller.f90 PlantFluidCoolers.f90 PlantGasAbsorptionChiller.f90 PlantGroundHeatExchangers.f90 PlantHeatExchanger.f90 PlantIceThermalStorage.f90 PlantLoadProfile.f90 PlantLoopEquipment.f90 PlantLoopSolver.f90 PlantManager.f90 PlantOutsideEnergySources.f90 PlantPipeHeatTransfer.f90 PlantPipes.f90 PlantPipingSystemManager.f90 PlantPondGroundHeatExchanger.f90 PlantPressureSystem.f90 PlantPumps.f90 PlantSolarCollectors.f90 PlantSurfaceGroundHeatExchanger.f90 PlantUtilities.f90 PlantValves.f90 PlantWaterSources.f90 PlantWaterThermalTank.f90 PlantWatertoWaterGSHP.f90 PlantWaterUse.f90 PollutionAnalysisModule.f90 PoweredInductionUnits.f90 PsychRoutines.f90 Purchasedairmanager.f90 RadiantSystemHighTemp.f90 RadiantSystemLowTemp.f90 RefrigeratedCase.f90 ReportSizingManager.f90 ReturnAirPath.f90 RoomAirManager.f90 RoomAirModelCrossVent.f90 RoomAirModelDisplacementVent.f90 RoomAirModelMundt.f90 RoomAirModelUFAD.f90 RoomAirModelUserTempPattern.f90 RootFinder.f90 RuntimeLanguageProcessor.f90 ScheduleManager.f90 SetPointManager.f90 SimAirServingZones.f90 SimulationManager.f90 SizingManager.f90 SolarReflectionManager.f90 SolarShading.f90 SortAndStringUtilities.f90 sqlite3.c SQLiteCRoutines.c SQLiteFortranRoutines.f90 SQLiteFortranRoutines_NO.f90 StandardRatings.f90 SurfaceGeometry.f90 SystemAvailabilityManager.f90 SystemReports.f90 TarcogComplexFenestration.f90 ThermalChimney.f90 ThermalComfort.f90 UnitHeater.f90 UnitVentilator.f90 UserDefinedComponents.f90 UtilityRoutines.f90 VectorUtilities.f90 VentilatedSlab.f90 WaterManager.f90 WeatherManager.f90 WindowAC.f90 WindowComplexManager.f90 WindowEquivalentLayer.f90 WindowManager.f90 WindTurbine.f90 Zoneairloopequipmentmanager.f90 ZoneContaminantPredictorCorrector.f90 ZoneDehumidifier.f90 Zoneequipmentmanager.f90 ZonePlenumComponent.f90 ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.f90