SolarReflectionManager.f90 Source File

This File Depends On

sourcefile~~solarreflectionmanager.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 SolarReflectionManager.f90 sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 ScheduleManager.f90 sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~vectorutilities.f90 VectorUtilities.f90 sourcefile~vectorutilities.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~general.f90 General.f90 sourcefile~general.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~general.f90->sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 sourcefile~general.f90->sourcefile~vectorutilities.f90 sourcefile~dataenvironment.f90 DataEnvironment.f90 sourcefile~general.f90->sourcefile~dataenvironment.f90 sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 DataHeatBalance.f90 sourcefile~general.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~datasurfaces.f90 DataSurfaces.f90 sourcefile~datasurfaces.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~datasurfaces.f90->sourcefile~vectorutilities.f90 sourcefile~datasurfaces.f90->sourcefile~general.f90 sourcefile~datasurfaces.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90 DataPrecisionGlobals.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~vectorutilities.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~general.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~datasurfaces.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90 DataGlobals.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataglobals.f90 sourcefile~datavectortypes.f90 DataVectorTypes.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~datavectortypes.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataenvironment.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~datasystemvariables.f90 DataSystemVariables.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~datasystemvariables.f90 sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90 DataInterfaces.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90 sourcefile~dataipshortcuts.f90 DataIPShortCuts.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataipshortcuts.f90 sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 InputProcessor.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 sourcefile~datasizing.f90 DataSizing.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~datasizing.f90 sourcefile~datahvacglobals.f90 DataHVACGlobals.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~datahvacglobals.f90 sourcefile~dataruntimelanguage.f90 DataRuntimeLanguage.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataruntimelanguage.f90 sourcefile~databsdfwindow.f90 DataBSDFWindow.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~databsdfwindow.f90 sourcefile~datacomplexfenestration.f90 DataComplexFenestration.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~datacomplexfenestration.f90 sourcefile~dataequivalentlayerwindow.f90 DataEquivalentLayerWindow.f90 sourcefile~dataprecisionglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataequivalentlayerwindow.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~vectorutilities.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~general.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~datasurfaces.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataenvironment.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataipshortcuts.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 sourcefile~sortandstringutilities.f90 SortAndStringUtilities.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~sortandstringutilities.f90 sourcefile~dataoutputs.f90 DataOutputs.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataoutputs.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~datasizing.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~datahvacglobals.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataruntimelanguage.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~databsdfwindow.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~datacomplexfenestration.f90 sourcefile~dataglobals.f90->sourcefile~dataequivalentlayerwindow.f90 sourcefile~datavectortypes.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~datavectortypes.f90->sourcefile~vectorutilities.f90 sourcefile~datavectortypes.f90->sourcefile~datasurfaces.f90 sourcefile~datavectortypes.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~datavectortypes.f90->sourcefile~databsdfwindow.f90 sourcefile~dataenvironment.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~dataenvironment.f90->sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 sourcefile~dataenvironment.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~datasystemvariables.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~datasystemvariables.f90->sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 sourcefile~datasystemvariables.f90->sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90->sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90->sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90->sourcefile~vectorutilities.f90 sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90->sourcefile~general.f90 sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90->sourcefile~dataenvironment.f90 sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90->sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 sourcefile~datainterfaces.f90->sourcefile~dataruntimelanguage.f90 sourcefile~datastringglobals.f90 DataStringGlobals.f90 sourcefile~datastringglobals.f90->sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 sourcefile~datastringglobals.f90->sourcefile~general.f90 sourcefile~datastringglobals.f90->sourcefile~datasystemvariables.f90 sourcefile~datastringglobals.f90->sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 sourcefile~dataipshortcuts.f90->sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 sourcefile~dataipshortcuts.f90->sourcefile~general.f90 sourcefile~dataipshortcuts.f90->sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90->sourcefile~schedulemanager.f90 sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90->sourcefile~general.f90 sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~sortandstringutilities.f90->sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 sourcefile~dataoutputs.f90->sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 sourcefile~datasizing.f90->sourcefile~inputprocessor.f90 sourcefile~datahvacglobals.f90->sourcefile~general.f90 sourcefile~dataruntimelanguage.f90->sourcefile~general.f90 sourcefile~databsdfwindow.f90->sourcefile~datasurfaces.f90 sourcefile~databsdfwindow.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~datacomplexfenestration.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90 sourcefile~dataequivalentlayerwindow.f90->sourcefile~dataheatbalance.f90

Files Dependent On This One

sourcefile~~solarreflectionmanager.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90 SolarReflectionManager.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90 DaylightingManager.f90 sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90->sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90 SolarShading.f90 sourcefile~solarreflectionmanager.f90->sourcefile~solarshading.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90->sourcefile~solarshading.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 HeatBalanceSurfaceManager.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~utilityroutines.f90 UtilityRoutines.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90->sourcefile~utilityroutines.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90 WindowEquivalentLayer.f90 sourcefile~daylightingmanager.f90->sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90->sourcefile~utilityroutines.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 HeatBalanceManager.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 SimulationManager.f90 sourcefile~solarshading.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~solarshading.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~windowmanager.f90 WindowManager.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~windowmanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceintradexchange.f90 HeatBalanceIntRadExchange.f90 sourcefile~windowequivalentlayer.f90->sourcefile~heatbalanceintradexchange.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90 SizingManager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90->sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90 sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90->sourcefile~utilityroutines.f90 sourcefile~energyplus.f90 EnergyPlus.f90 sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90->sourcefile~energyplus.f90 sourcefile~sizingmanager.f90->sourcefile~simulationmanager.f90 sourcefile~windowmanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90 sourcefile~windowmanager.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancemanager.f90 sourcefile~heatbalanceintradexchange.f90->sourcefile~heatbalancesurfacemanager.f90

Source Code

MODULE SolarReflectionManager

          !       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann
          !       DATE WRITTEN   September 2003
          !       MODIFIED       May 2004, FCW: modify calculation of receiving point location on a
          !                        receiving surface so can handle surface of any number of vertices
          !                        (previously restricted to 3- or 4-sided surfaces).
          !       RE-ENGINEERED  na

          ! Manages the calculation of factors for solar reflected from obstructions and ground.

          ! REFERENCES: na

          ! OTHER NOTES: na

          ! USE STATEMENTS:
USE DataPrecisionGlobals
USE DataGlobals
USE DataHeatBalance
USE DataSurfaces
USE ScheduleManager
USE DataEnvironment
USE DataInterfaces

USE DataVectorTypes

IMPLICIT NONE ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables

PRIVATE  ! Only certain items will be declared public



TYPE,PUBLIC :: SolReflRecSurfData
  INTEGER                           :: SurfNum      =0   ! Number of heat transfer surface
  CHARACTER(len=MaxNameLength)      :: SurfName     =' ' ! Name of heat transfer surface
  INTEGER                           :: NumRecPts    =0   ! Number of receiving points
  REAL(r64),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:)   :: RecPt        ! Coordinates of receiving point on receiving surface in global CS (m)
  REAL(r64),DIMENSION(3)                 :: NormVec      =0.0d0 ! Unit outward normal to receiving surface
  REAL(r64)                         :: ThetaNormVec =0.0d0 ! Azimuth of surface normal (radians)
  REAL(r64)                         :: PhiNormVec   =0.0d0 ! Altitude of surface normal (radians)
  INTEGER                           :: NumReflRays  =0   ! Number of rays from this receiving surface
  REAL(r64),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:)   :: RayVec       ! Unit vector in direction of ray from receiving surface
  REAL(r64),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:)     :: CosIncAngRay ! Cosine of angle between ray and receiving surface outward normal
  REAL(r64),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:)     :: dOmegaRay    ! Delta solid angle associated with ray
  REAL(r64),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: HitPt        ! For each receiving point and ray, coords of hit point on obstruction
                                                    ! that is closest to receiving point (m)
  INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:):: HitPtSurfNum ! Number of surface containing the hit point for a ray, except:
                                                    !  0 => ray does not hit an obstruction, but hits sky
                                                    !  -1 => ray does not hit an obstruction, but hits ground
  REAL(r64),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:)   :: HitPtSolRefl ! Beam-to-diffuse solar reflectance at hit point
  REAL(r64),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:)   :: RecPtHitPtDis ! Distance from receiving point to hit point (m)
  REAL(r64),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: HitPtNormVec ! Hit point's surface normal unit vector pointing into hemisphere
                                                    !  containing the receiving point
  INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:)  :: PossibleObsSurfNums ! Surface numbers of possible obstructions for a receiving surf
  INTEGER                           :: NumPossibleObs      =0 ! Number of possible obstructions for a receiving surface
END TYPE SolReflRecSurfData


INTEGER :: TotSolReflRecSurf      = 0   ! Total number of exterior surfaces that can receive reflected solar
INTEGER :: TotPhiReflRays         = 0   ! Number of rays in altitude angle (-90 to 90 deg) for diffuse refl calc
INTEGER :: TotThetaReflRays       = 0   ! Number of rays in azimuth angle (0 to 180 deg) for diffuse refl calc

          ! SUBROUTINE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MODULE ExteriorSolarReflectionManager
PUBLIC  InitSolReflRecSurf
PUBLIC  CalcBeamSolDiffuseReflFactors
PRIVATE FigureBeamSolDiffuseReflFactors
PUBLIC  CalcBeamSolSpecularReflFactors
PRIVATE FigureBeamSolSpecularReflFactors
PUBLIC  CalcSkySolDiffuseReflFactors
PRIVATE PierceSurface
PRIVATE CrossProduct




          !       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann
          !       DATE WRITTEN   September 2003
          !       MODIFIED       na
          !       RE-ENGINEERED  na

          ! Initializes the derived type SolReflRecSurf, which contains information
          ! needed to calculate factors for solar reflection from obstructions and ground.


          ! REFERENCES: na

          ! USE STATEMENTS:
  USE Vectors

  IMPLICIT NONE ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables in this routine


  INTEGER   :: SurfNum              ! Surface number
  INTEGER   :: RecSurfNum           ! Receiving surface number
  INTEGER   :: loop                 ! DO loop indices
  INTEGER   :: loop1                ! DO loop indices
  INTEGER   :: loopA                ! DO loop indices
  INTEGER   :: loopb                ! DO loop indices
  INTEGER   :: ObsSurfNum           ! Surface number of an obstruction
  LOGICAL   :: ObsBehindRec         ! True if an obstruction is entirely behind a receiving surface
  LOGICAL   :: ObsHasView           ! True if view between receiving surface and heat trans surf obstruction
  REAL(r64) :: RecVec(3)            ! First vertex of a receiving surface (m)
  REAL(r64) :: ObsVec(3)            ! A vertex of a candidate obstructing surface (m)
  REAL(r64) :: VecAB(3)             ! Vector from receiving surface vertex to obstruction surface vertex (m)
  REAL(r64) :: HitPt(3)             ! Hit point (m)
  REAL(r64) :: DotProd              ! Dot product of vectors (m2)
  INTEGER   :: RecPtNum             ! Receiving point number
!unused  REAL(r64)         :: SumX                 ! Sum of X (or Y or Z) coordinate values of a surface
!unused  REAL(r64)         :: SumY                 ! Sum of X (or Y or Z) coordinate values of a surface
!unused  REAL(r64)         :: SumZ                 ! Sum of X (or Y or Z) coordinate values of a surface
  REAL(r64) :: PhiSurf              ! Altitude of normal to receiving surface (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: ThetaSurf            ! Azimuth of normal to receiving surface (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: PhiMin               ! Minimum and maximum values of ray altitude angle (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: PhiMax               ! Minimum and maximum values of ray altitude angle (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: ThetaMin             ! Minimum and maximum values of ray azimuth angle (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: ThetaMax             ! Minimum and maximum values of ray azimuth angle (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: Phi                  ! Ray altitude angle, increment, sine, and cosine
  REAL(r64) :: DPhi                 ! Ray altitude angle, increment, sine, and cosine
  REAL(r64) :: SPhi                 ! Ray altitude angle, increment, sine, and cosine
  REAL(r64) :: CPhi                 ! Ray altitude angle, increment, sine, and cosine
  REAL(r64) :: Theta                ! Ray azimuth angle and increment
  REAL(r64) :: DTheta               ! Ray azimuth angle and increment
  INTEGER   :: IPhi                 ! Ray altitude angle and azimuth angle indices
  INTEGER   :: ITheta               ! Ray altitude angle and azimuth angle indices
!unused  REAL(r64)         :: APhi                 ! Intermediate variable
  INTEGER   :: RayNum               ! Ray number
  REAL(r64) :: URay(3)              ! Unit vector along ray pointing away from receiving surface
  REAL(r64) :: CosIncAngRay         ! Cosine of angle of incidence of ray on receiving surface
  REAL(r64) :: dOmega               ! Solid angle associated with a ray
  INTEGER   :: IHit                 ! = 1 if obstruction is hit, 0 otherwise
  INTEGER   :: TotObstructionsHit   ! Number of obstructions hit by a ray
  REAL(r64) :: HitDistance          ! Distance from receiving point to hit point for a ray (m)
  INTEGER   :: NearestHitSurfNum    ! Surface number of nearest obstruction hit by a ray
  REAL(r64) :: NearestHitPt(3)      ! Nearest hit pit for a ray (m)
  REAL(r64) :: NearestHitDistance   ! Distance from receiving point to nearest hit point for a ray (m)
  INTEGER   :: ObsSurfNumToSkip     ! Surface number of obstruction to be ignored
  REAL(r64) :: RecPt(3)             ! Receiving point (m)
  REAL(r64) :: RayVec(3)            ! Unit vector along ray
  REAL(r64) :: Vec1(3)              ! Vectors between hit surface vertices (m)
  REAL(r64) :: Vec2(3)              ! Vectors between hit surface vertices (m)
  REAL(r64) :: VNorm(3)             ! For a hit surface, unit normal vector pointing into the hemisphere
                                    ! containing the receiving point
  INTEGER   :: ObsConstrNum         ! Construction number of obstruction; = 0 if a shading surface
  REAL(r64) :: Alfa,Beta            ! Direction angles for ray heading towards the ground (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: HorDis               ! Distance between ground hit point and proj'n of receiving pt onto ground (m)
  REAL(r64) :: GroundHitPt(3)       ! Coordinates of ground hit point
!unused  REAL(r64)         :: ArgASin
  REAL(r64) :: ACosTanTan
  INTEGER   :: J                    ! DO loop indices
  INTEGER   :: K                    ! DO loop indices
  INTEGER   :: L                    ! DO loop indices
  INTEGER   :: NumRecPts            ! Number of surface receiving points for reflected solar radiation
  REAL(r64) :: VertexWt             ! Vertex weighting factor for calculating receiving points

          ! FLOW:

! Find number of surfaces that are sun-exposed exterior building heat transfer surfaces.
! These are candidates for receiving solar reflected from obstructions and ground.
! CR 7640.  12/3/2008 BG simplified logic to allow for Other Side Conditions Modeled boundary condition.
!           and solar collectors on shading surfaces that need this.

! shading surfaces have ExtSolar = False, so they are not included in TotSolReflRecSurf
TotSolReflRecSurf = 0
DO SurfNum = 1,TotSurfaces
  IF (Surface(SurfNum)%ExtSolar) THEN
    TotSolReflRecSurf = TotSolReflRecSurf + 1

! TH 3/29/2010. ShadowSurfPossibleReflector is not used!
! Set flag that determines whether a surface can be an exterior reflector
!DO SurfNum = 1,TotSurfaces
!  Surface(SurfNum)%ShadowSurfPossibleReflector = .FALSE.
  ! Exclude non-exterior heat transfer surfaces (but not OtherSideCondModeledExt = -4 CR7640)
!  IF(Surface(SurfNum)%HeatTransSurf .AND. Surface(SurfNum)%ExtBoundCond > 0 ) CYCLE
!  IF(Surface(SurfNum)%HeatTransSurf .AND. Surface(SurfNum)%ExtBoundCond == Ground) CYCLE
!  IF(Surface(SurfNum)%HeatTransSurf .AND. Surface(SurfNum)%ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt) CYCLE
!  IF(Surface(SurfNum)%HeatTransSurf .AND. Surface(SurfNum)%ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCoefCalcExt) CYCLE

  ! Exclude daylighting shelves. A separate solar reflection calculation is done for these.
!  IF(Surface(SurfNum)%Shelf > 0) CYCLE

  ! Exclude duplicate shading surfaces
  ! TH 3/24/2010. Why? a mirror shading surface can reflect solar (either beam or diffuse)
  !  can use a flag like Surface(SurfNum)%Mirrored (True or False) to avoid string comparison
  !   and to allow surface names starting with 'Mir'
  !IF(Surface(SurfNum)%Name(1:3) == 'Mir') CYCLE
!  IF(Surface(SurfNum)%MirroredSurf) CYCLE

!  Surface(SurfNum)%ShadowSurfPossibleReflector = .TRUE.

IF(TotSolReflRecSurf == 0) THEN
  CALL ShowWarningError('Calculation of solar reflected from obstructions has been requested but there')
  CALL ShowContinueError('are no building surfaces that can receive reflected solar. Calculation will not be done.')
  CalcSolRefl = .FALSE.

! Should this be moved up front?
IF (IgnoreSolarRadiation) THEN
  TotSolReflRecSurf = 0
  CalcSolRefl = .FALSE.


ReflFacBmToDiffSolObs = 0.0d0
ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd = 0.0d0
ReflFacBmToBmSolObs = 0.0d0
ReflFacSkySolObs = 0.0d0
ReflFacSkySolGnd = 0.0d0
CosIncAveBmToBmSolObs = 0.0d0

! Only surfaces with sun exposure can receive solar reflection from ground or onstructions
!  Shading surfaces are always not exposed to solar (ExtSolar = False)
RecSurfNum = 0
DO SurfNum = 1,TotSurfaces
  Surface(SurfNum)%ShadowSurfRecSurfNum = 0
  IF (Surface(SurfNum)%ExtSolar) THEN
    RecSurfNum = RecSurfNum + 1
    SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%SurfNum = SurfNum
    SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%SurfName = Surface(SurfNum)%Name
    Surface(SurfNum)%ShadowSurfRecSurfNum = RecSurfNum

    ! Warning if any receiving surface vertex is below ground level, taken to be at Z = 0 in absolute coords
    DO loop = 1,Surface(SurfNum)%Sides
      IF(Surface(SurfNum)%Vertex(loop)%Z < GroundLevelZ) THEN
        CALL ShowWarningError('Calculation of reflected solar onto surface=' &
               //TRIM(Surface(SurfNum)%Name)//' may be inaccurate')
        CALL ShowContinueError('because it has one or more vertices below ground level.')
      END IF
    END DO

! Get MaxRecPts for allocating SolReflRecSurf arrays that depend on number of receiving points
MaxRecPts = 1
DO RecSurfNum = 1,TotSolReflRecSurf
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts = Surface(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%SurfNum)%Sides
  IF(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts > MaxRecPts) MaxRecPts = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts

MaxReflRays = AltAngStepsForSolReflCalc * AzimAngStepsForSolReflCalc
DO RecSurfNum = 1,TotSolReflRecSurf
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec = 0.0d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt = 0.0d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RayVec = 0.0d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%CosIncAngRay = 0.0d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%dOmegaRay = 0.0d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPt = 0.0d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSurfNum = 0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSolRefl = 0.0d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPtHitPtDis = 0.0d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtNormVec = 0.0d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%PossibleObsSurfNums = 0

DO RecSurfNum = 1,TotSolReflRecSurf
  SurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%SurfNum
  ! Outward norm to receiving surface
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec = Surface(SurfNum)%OutNormVec(1:3)
  RecVec = Surface(SurfNum)%Vertex(1)
  ! Loop over all surfaces and find those that can be obstructing surfaces for this receiving surf
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumPossibleObs = 0
  DO ObsSurfNum = 1,TotSurfaces
    ! Exclude the receiving surface itself and its base surface (if it has one)
    IF(ObsSurfNum == SurfNum .OR. ObsSurfNum == Surface(SurfNum)%BaseSurf) CYCLE
    ! Exclude non-exterior heat transfer surfaces
    IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%HeatTransSurf .AND. Surface(ObsSurfNum)%ExtBoundCond /= 0) CYCLE
    ! Exclude duplicate shading surfaces
    !IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Name(1:3) == 'Mir') CYCLE
    !TH2 CR8959
    !IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%MirroredSurf) CYCLE

    ! Exclude surfaces that are entirely behind the receiving surface.This is true if dot products of the
    ! rec. surface outward normal and vector from first vertex of rec. surface and each vertex of
    ! obstructing surface are all negative.
    ObsBehindRec = .TRUE.
    DO loop = 1,Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Sides
      ObsVec = Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Vertex(loop)
      DotProd = DOT_PRODUCT(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec,ObsVec-RecVec)
!CR8251      IF(DotProd > 0.01d0) THEN  ! This obstructing-surface vertex is not behind receiving surface
      IF(DotProd > 1.d-6) THEN  ! This obstructing-surface vertex is not behind receiving surface
        ObsBehindRec = .FALSE.
      END IF
    END DO
    IF(ObsBehindRec) CYCLE

    ! Exclude heat transfer surfaces that have no view with the receiving surface.
    ! There is view if: for at least one vector VecAB from a receiving surface vertex to
    ! a vertex of a potential obstructing surface that satisfies VecAB.nA > 0.0 and VecAB.nB < 0.0,
    ! where nA and nB are the outward normal to the receiving and obstructing surface, resp.
    IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%HeatTransSurf) THEN
      ObsHasView = .FALSE.
      DO loopA = 1,Surface(SurfNum)%Sides
        DO loopB = 1,Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Sides
          VecAB = Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Vertex(loopB) - Surface(SurfNum)%Vertex(loopA)
          IF(DOT_PRODUCT(VecAB,SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec) > 0.0d0 .AND.  &
             DOT_PRODUCT(VecAB,Surface(ObsSurfNum)%OutNormVec) < 0.0d0) THEN
               ObsHasView = .TRUE.
          END IF
        END DO
        IF(ObsHasView) EXIT
      END DO
      IF(.NOT.ObsHasView) CYCLE
    END IF

    ! This is a possible obstructing surface for this receiving surface
    SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumPossibleObs = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumPossibleObs + 1
    SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%PossibleObsSurfNums(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumPossibleObs) = ObsSurfNum

  ! Get coordinates of receiving points on this receiving surface. The number of receiving points
  ! is equal to the number of surface vertices (3 or higher).

  NumRecPts = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts
  DO J = 1,NumRecPts
    DO L = 1,3
      SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(L,J) = 0.0d0
    END DO
    DO K = 1,NumRecPts
      IF(NumRecPts == 3) THEN  ! Receiving surface is a triangle
        VertexWt = 0.2d0
        IF(K == J) VertexWt = 0.6d0
      ELSE                     ! Receiving surface has 4 or more vertices
        VertexWt = 1.d0/(2.d0*REAL(NumRecPts,r64))
        IF(K == J) VertexWt = (REAL(NumRecPts,r64)+1.d0)/(2.d0*REAL(NumRecPts,r64))
      END IF
        SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(1,J) = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(1,J) +  &
          VertexWt * Surface(SurfNum)%Vertex(K)%X
        SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(2,J) = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(2,J) +  &
          VertexWt * Surface(SurfNum)%Vertex(K)%Y
        SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(3,J) = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(3,J) +  &
          VertexWt * Surface(SurfNum)%Vertex(K)%Z
    END DO

  ! Create rays going outward from receiving surface. The same rays will be used at each receiving point.
  ! The rays are used in calculating diffusely reflected solar incident on receiving surface.

  ! Divide hemisphere around receiving surface into elements of altitude Phi and
  ! azimuth Theta and create ray unit vector at each Phi,Theta pair in front of the surface.
  ! Phi = 0 at the horizon; Phi = Pi/2 at the zenith

  PhiSurf = ASIN(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec(3))
  IF(ABS(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec(1)) > 1.0d-5 .OR. ABS(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec(2)) > 1.0d-5) THEN
    ThetaSurf = ATAN2(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec(2), SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec(1))
    ThetaSurf = 0.d0
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%PhiNormVec   = PhiSurf
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%ThetaNormVec = ThetaSurf
  PhiMin = MAX(-PiOvr2, PhiSurf - PiOvr2)
  PhiMax = MIN(PiOvr2, PhiSurf + PiOvr2)
  DPhi = (PhiMax - PhiMin) / AltAngStepsForSolReflCalc
  RayNum = 0

  ! Altitude loop
  DO IPhi = 1,AltAngStepsForSolReflCalc
    Phi = PhiMin + (IPhi - 0.5d0) * DPhi
    SPhi = SIN(Phi)
    CPhi = COS(Phi)
    ! Third component of ray unit vector in (Theta,Phi) direction
    URay(3) = SPhi

    IF(PhiSurf >= 0.0d0) THEN
      IF(Phi >= PiOvr2 - PhiSurf) THEN
        ThetaMin = -Pi
        ThetaMax = Pi
        ACosTanTan = ACOS(-TAN(Phi)*TAN(PhiSurf))
        ThetaMin = ThetaSurf - ABS(ACosTanTan)
        ThetaMax = ThetaSurf + ABS(ACosTanTan)
      END IF

    ELSE  ! PhiSurf < 0.0
      IF(Phi <= -PhiSurf - PiOvr2) THEN
        ThetaMin = -Pi
        ThetaMax = Pi
        ACosTanTan = ACOS(-TAN(Phi)*TAN(PhiSurf))
        ThetaMin = ThetaSurf - ABS(ACosTanTan)
        ThetaMax = ThetaSurf + ABS(ACosTanTan)
      END IF
    END IF

    DTheta = (ThetaMax - ThetaMin) / AzimAngStepsForSolReflCalc
    dOmega = CPhi * DTheta * DPhi

    ! Azimuth loop
    DO ITheta = 1,AzimAngStepsForSolReflCalc
      Theta = ThetaMin + (ITheta - 0.5d0) * DTheta
      URay(1) = CPhi * COS(Theta)
      URay(2) = CPhi * SIN(Theta)
      ! Cosine of angle of incidence of ray on receiving surface
      CosIncAngRay = SPhi * SIN(PhiSurf) + CPhi * COS(PhiSurf) * COS(Theta-ThetaSurf)
      IF (CosIncAngRay < 0.0d0) CYCLE ! Ray is behind receiving surface (although there shouldn't be any)
      RayNum = RayNum + 1
      SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RayVec(1:3,RayNum) = URay
      SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%CosIncAngRay(RayNum) = CosIncAngRay
      SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%dOmegaRay(RayNum) = dOmega
    END DO ! End of azimuth loop

  END DO  ! End of altitude loop
  SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumReflRays = RayNum

END DO  ! End of loop over receiving surfaces

! Loop again over receiving surfaces and, for each ray, get hit point and info associated with that point
! (hit point = point that ray intersects nearest obstruction, or, if ray is downgoing and hits no
! obstructions, point that ray intersects ground plane).

DO RecSurfNum = 1, TotSolReflRecSurf
  SurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%SurfNum
  DO RecPtNum = 1, SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts
    RecPt = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(1:3,RecPtNum)
    DO RayNum = 1, SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumReflRays
      IHit = 0
      ! Loop over possible obstructions. If ray hits one or more obstructions get hit point on closest obstruction.
      ! If ray hits no obstructions and is going upward set HitPointSurfNum = 0.
      ! If ray hits no obstructions and is going downward set HitPointSurfNum = -1 and get hit point on ground.
      TotObstructionsHit = 0
      NearestHitSurfNum = 0
      NearestHitDistance = 1.d+8
      ObsSurfNumToSkip = 0
      RayVec = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RayVec(1:3,RayNum)
      DO loop1 = 1,SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumPossibleObs
        ! Surface number of this obstruction
        ObsSurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%PossibleObsSurfNums(loop1)
        ! If a window was hit previously (see below), ObsSurfNumToSkip was set to the window's base surface in order
        ! to remove that surface from consideration as a hit surface for this ray
        IF(ObsSurfNum == ObsSurfNumToSkip) CYCLE
        ! Determine if this ray hits ObsSurfNum (in which case IHit > 0) and, if so, what the
        ! distance from the receiving point to the hit point is
        CALL PierceSurface(ObsSurfNum,RecPt,RayVec,IHit,HitPt)
        IF(IHit > 0) THEN
          ! added TH 3/29/2010 to set ObsSurfNumToSkip
          IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Class == SurfaceClass_Window) THEN
            ObsSurfNumToSkip = Surface(ObsSurfNum)%BaseSurf

          ! If obstruction is a window and its base surface is the nearest obstruction hit so far,
          ! set NearestHitSurfNum to this window. Note that in this case NearestHitDistance has already
          ! been calculated, so does not have to be recalculated.
          IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Class == SurfaceClass_Window .AND. Surface(ObsSurfNum)%BaseSurf == NearestHitSurfNum) THEN
            NearestHitSurfNum = ObsSurfNum
            TotObstructionsHit = TotObstructionsHit + 1
            ! Distance from receiving point to hit point
            HitDistance = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(HitPt-RecPt,HitPt-RecPt))
            ! Reset NearestHitSurfNum and NearestHitDistance if this hit point is closer than previous closest
            IF(HitDistance < NearestHitDistance) THEN
              NearestHitDistance = HitDistance
              NearestHitSurfNum  = ObsSurfNum
              NearestHitPt = HitPt
            ELSE IF(HitDistance == NearestHitDistance) THEN ! TH2 CR8959
              ! Ray hits mirrored surfaces. Choose the surface facing the ray.
              IF(DOT_PRODUCT(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%OutNormVec,RayVec) <= 0.0d0) THEN
                NearestHitSurfNum = ObsSurfNum
              END IF
            END IF
          END IF
        END IF  ! End of check if obstruction was hit
      END DO  ! End of loop over possible obstructions for this ray

      IF(TotObstructionsHit > 0) THEN
        ! One or more obstructions were hit by this ray
        SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSurfNum(RecPtNum,RayNum) = NearestHitSurfNum
        SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPtHitPtDis(RecPtNum,RayNum) = NearestHitDistance
        SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPt(1:3,RecPtNum,RayNum) = NearestHitPt
        ! For hit surface, calculate unit normal vector pointing into the hemisphere
        ! containing the receiving point
        Vec1 = Surface(NearestHitSurfNum)%Vertex(1) -  Surface(NearestHitSurfNum)%Vertex(3)
        Vec2 = Surface(NearestHitSurfNum)%Vertex(2) -  Surface(NearestHitSurfNum)%Vertex(3)
        CALL CrossProduct(Vec1,Vec2,VNorm)
        VNorm = VNorm/SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(VNorm,VNorm))
        IF(DOT_PRODUCT(VNorm,-RayVec) < 0.0d0) VNorm = -VNorm
        SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtNormVec(1:3,RecPtNum,RayNum) = VNorm
        ! Get solar and visible beam-to-diffuse reflectance at nearest hit point
        ObsConstrNum = Surface(NearestHitSurfNum)%Construction
        IF(ObsConstrNum > 0) THEN
          ! Exterior building surface is nearest hit
          IF(.NOT.Construct(ObsConstrNum)%TypeIsWindow) THEN
            ! Obstruction is not a window, i.e., is an opaque surface
            SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSolRefl(RecPtNum,RayNum) = &
              1.0d0 - Construct(ObsConstrNum)%OutsideAbsorpSolar
            ! Obstruction is a window. Assume it is bare so that there is no beam-to-diffuse reflection
            ! (beam-to-beam reflection is calculated in subroutine CalcBeamSolSpecularReflFactors).
            SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSolRefl(RecPtNum,RayNum) = 0.0d0
          END IF
          ! Shading surface is nearest hit
          SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSolRefl(RecPtNum,RayNum) = Surface(NearestHitSurfNum)%ShadowSurfDiffuseSolRefl
        END IF
        ! No obstructions were hit by this ray
        SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSurfNum(RecPtNum,RayNum) = 0
        ! If ray is going downward find the hit point on the ground plane if the receiving point
        ! is above ground level; note that GroundLevelZ is <= 0.0
        IF(RayVec(3) < 0.0d0 .AND. SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(3,RecPtNum) > GroundLevelZ) THEN
          ! Ray hits ground
          Alfa = ACOS(-RayVec(3))
          Beta = ATAN2(RayVec(2),RayVec(1))
          HorDis = (RecPt(3)-GroundLevelZ)*TAN(Alfa)
          GroundHitPt(3) = GroundLevelZ
          GroundHitPt(1) = RecPt(1) + HorDis*COS(Beta)
          GroundHitPt(2) = RecPt(2) + HorDis*SIN(Beta)
          SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPt(1:3,RecPtNum,RayNum) = GroundHitPt(1:3)
          SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSurfNum(RecPtNum,RayNum) = -1
          SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPtHitPtDis(RecPtNum,RayNum) = (RecPt(3)-GroundLevelZ)/(-RayVec(3))
          SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSolRefl(RecPtNum,RayNum) = GndReflectance
          SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtNormVec(1,RecPtNum,RayNum) = 0.0d0
          SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtNormVec(2,RecPtNum,RayNum) = 0.0d0
          SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtNormVec(3,RecPtNum,RayNum) = 1.0d0
        END IF  ! End of check if ray hits ground
      END IF  ! End of check if obstruction hit
    END DO  ! End of RayNum loop
  END DO  ! End of receiving point loop
END DO  ! End of receiving surface loop



SUBROUTINE CalcBeamSolDiffuseReflFactors

          !       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann
          !       DATE WRITTEN   September 2003
          !       MODIFIED       TH 4/6/2010, fixed CR 7872
          !       RE-ENGINEERED  B. Griffith, October 2012, for timestep integrated solar

          ! manage calculations for factors for irradiance on exterior heat transfer surfaces due to
          ! beam-to-diffuse solar reflection from obstructions and ground.

          ! METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED: call worker routine depending on solar calculation method

          ! REFERENCES: na

          ! USE STATEMENTS: na
  USE DataGlobals,         ONLY: HourOfDay
  USE DataSystemVariables, ONLY: DetailedSolarTimestepIntegration

  IMPLICIT NONE ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables in this routine


  INTEGER   :: IHr                  =0   ! Hour number

          ! FLOW:

  IF (.NOT. DetailedSolarTimestepIntegration) THEN
    IF(BeginSimFlag) THEN
      CALL DisplayString('Calculating Beam-to-Diffuse Exterior Solar Reflection Factors')
      CALL DisplayString('Updating Beam-to-Diffuse Exterior Solar Reflection Factors')
    END IF
    ReflFacBmToDiffSolObs = 0.d0
    ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd = 0.d0
    DO IHr = 1,24
      CALL FigureBeamSolDiffuseReflFactors(IHr)
    ENDDO  ! End of IHr loop
  ELSE ! timestep integrated solar, use current hour of day
    ReflFacBmToDiffSolObs(1:TotSurfaces,HourOfDay) = 0.d0
    ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd(1:TotSurfaces,HourOfDay) = 0.d0
    CALL FigureBeamSolDiffuseReflFactors(HourOfDay)

END SUBROUTINE CalcBeamSolDiffuseReflFactors

SUBROUTINE FigureBeamSolDiffuseReflFactors(iHour)

          !       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann, derived from original CalcBeamSolDiffuseReflFactors
          !       DATE WRITTEN   September 2003
          !       MODIFIED       na
          !       RE-ENGINEERED  B. Griffith, October 2012, revised for timestep integrated solar

          ! Calculates factors for irradiance on exterior heat transfer surfaces due to
          ! beam-to-diffuse solar reflection from obstructions and ground.

          ! <description>

          ! REFERENCES:
          ! na

          ! USE STATEMENTS:
          ! na

  IMPLICIT NONE ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables in this routine

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)   :: iHour

          ! na

          ! na

          ! na

  REAL(r64) :: SunVec(3)            =0.0d0 ! Unit vector to sun
  INTEGER   :: RecSurfNum           =0   ! Receiving surface number
  INTEGER   :: SurfNum              =0   ! Heat transfer surface number corresponding to RecSurfNum
  INTEGER   :: RecPtNum             =0   ! Receiving point number
  INTEGER   :: NumRecPts            =0   ! Number of receiving points on a receiving surface
  INTEGER   :: HitPtSurfNum         =0   ! Surface number of hit point: -1 = ground,
                                    ! 0 = sky or obstruction with receiving point below ground level,
                                    ! >0 = obstruction with receiving point above ground level
  REAL(r64) :: ReflBmToDiffSolObs(MaxRecPts) ! Irradiance at a receiving point for
                                            ! beam solar diffusely reflected from obstructions, divided by
                                            ! beam normal irradiance
  REAL(r64) :: ReflBmToDiffSolGnd(MaxRecPts) ! Irradiance at a receiving point for
                                            ! beam solar diffusely reflected from the ground, divided by
                                            ! beam normal irradiance
  INTEGER   :: RayNum               =0   ! Ray number
  INTEGER   :: IHit                 =0   ! > 0 if obstruction is hit; otherwise = 0
  REAL(r64) :: OriginThisRay(3)     =0.0d0 ! Origin point of a ray (m)
  REAL(r64) :: ObsHitPt(3)          =0.0d0 ! Hit point on obstruction (m)
  INTEGER   :: ObsSurfNum           =0   ! Obstruction surface number
  REAL(r64) :: CosIncBmAtHitPt      =0.0d0 ! Cosine of incidence angle of beam solar at hit point
  REAL(r64) :: CosIncBmAtHitPt2     =0.0d0 ! Cosine of incidence angle of beam solar at hit point,
                                         !  the mirrored shading surface
  REAL(r64) :: BmReflSolRadiance    =0.0d0 ! Solar radiance at hit point due to incident beam, divided
                                         !  by beam normal irradiance
  REAL(r64) :: dReflBeamToDiffSol   =0.0d0 ! Contribution to reflection factor at a receiving point
                                         !  from beam solar reflected from a hit point
  REAL(r64) :: SunLitFract          =0.0d0 ! Sunlit fraction

  ReflBmToDiffSolObs    = 0.d0
  ReflBmToDiffSolGnd    = 0.d0

  ! Unit vector to sun
  SunVec = SunCosHr(1:3,iHour)

  ! loop through each surface that can receive beam solar reflected as diffuse solar from other surfaces
  DO RecSurfNum = 1,TotSolReflRecSurf
    SurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%SurfNum

    DO RecPtNum = 1, SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts
      ReflBmToDiffSolObs(RecPtNum) = 0.0d0
      ReflBmToDiffSolGnd(RecPtNum) = 0.0d0

      DO RayNum = 1, SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumReflRays
        HitPtSurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSurfNum(RecPtNum,RayNum)

        ! Skip rays that do not hit an obstruction or ground.
        ! (Note that if a downgoing ray does not hit an obstruction it will have HitPtSurfNum = 0
        ! if the receiving point is below ground level (see subr. InitSolReflRecSurf); this means
        ! that a below-ground-level receiving point receives no ground-reflected radiation although
        ! it is allowed to receive obstruction-reflected solar radiation and direct (unreflected)
        ! beam and sky solar radiation. As far as reflected solar is concerned, the program does
        ! not handle a sloped ground plane or a horizontal ground plane whose level is different
        ! from one side of the building to another.)
        IF(HitPtSurfNum == 0) CYCLE  ! Ray hits sky or obstruction with receiving pt. below ground level

        IF(HitPtSurfNum > 0) THEN
          ! Skip rays that hit a daylighting shelf, from which solar reflection is calculated separately.
          IF(Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%Shelf > 0) CYCLE

          ! Skip rays that hit a window
          ! If hit point's surface is a window or glass door go to next ray since it is assumed for now
          ! that windows have only beam-to-beam, not beam-to-diffuse, reflection
          ! TH 3/29/2010. Code modified and moved
          IF(Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%Class == SurfaceClass_Window .OR. &
             Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%Class == SurfaceClass_GLASSDOOR) CYCLE

          ! Skip rays that hit non-sunlit surface. Assume first time step of the hour.
          SunlitFract = SunlitFrac(HitPtSurfNum,iHour,1)

          ! If hit point's surface is not sunlit go to next ray
          ! TH 3/25/2010. why limit to HeatTransSurf? shading surfaces should also apply
          !IF(Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%HeatTransSurf .AND. SunlitFract < 0.01d0) CYCLE
          IF(SunlitFract < 0.01d0) CYCLE

          ! TH 3/26/2010. If the hit point falls into the shadow even though SunlitFract > 0, can Cycle.
          !  This cannot be done now, therefore there are follow-up checks of blocking sun ray
          !   from the hit point.

          ! TH 3/29/2010. Code modified and moved up
          ! If hit point's surface is a window go to next ray since it is assumed for now
          ! that windows have only beam-to-beam, not beam-to-diffuse, reflection
          !IF(Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%Construction > 0) THEN
          !  IF(Construct(Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%Construction)%TypeIsWindow) CYCLE
          !END IF
        END IF

        ! Does an obstruction block the vector from this ray's hit point to the sun?
        IHit = 0
        OriginThisRay = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPt(1:3,RecPtNum,RayNum)

        ! Note: if sun is in back of hit surface relative to receiving point, CosIncBmAtHitPt will be < 0
        CosIncBmAtHitPt = DOT_PRODUCT(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtNormVec(1:3,RecPtNum,RayNum),SunVec)
        IF(CosIncBmAtHitPt <= 0.0d0) CYCLE

        ! CR 7872 - TH 4/6/2010. The shading surfaces should point to the receiveing heat transfer surface
        !  according to the the right hand rule. If user inputs do not follow the rule, use the following
        !  code to check the mirrored shading surface
        IF (HitPtSurfNum >0) THEN
          IF (Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%ShadowingSurf) THEN
            IF (HitPtSurfNum+1 < TotSurfaces) THEN
              IF (Surface(HitPtSurfNum+1)%ShadowingSurf .AND. Surface(HitPtSurfNum+1)%MirroredSurf) THEN
                ! Check whether the sun is behind the mirrored shading surface
                CosIncBmAtHitPt2 = DOT_PRODUCT(Surface(HitPtSurfNum+1)%OutNormVec,SunVec)
                IF(CosIncBmAtHitPt2 >= 0.0d0) CYCLE

        ! TH 3/25/2010. CR 7872. Seems should loop over all possible obstructions for the HitPtSurfNum
        !  rather than RecSurfNum, because if the HitPtSurfNum is a shading surface,
        !  it does not belong to SolReflRecSurf which only contain heat transfer surfaces
        !  that can receive reflected solar (ExtSolar = True)!

        ! To speed up, ideally should store all possible shading surfaces for the HitPtSurfNum
        !  obstruction surface in the SolReflSurf(HitPtSurfNum)%PossibleObsSurfNums(loop) array as well
        DO ObsSurfNum = 1, TotSurfaces
!        DO loop = 1,SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumPossibleObs
!          ObsSurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%PossibleObsSurfNums(loop)

          !CR 8959 -- The other side of a mirrored surface cannot obstruct the mirrored surface
          IF (HitPtSurfNum >0) THEN
            IF (Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%MirroredSurf) THEN
              IF (ObsSurfNum == HitPtSurfNum-1) CYCLE
            END IF
          END IF

          ! skip the hit surface
          IF (ObsSurfNum == HitPtSurfNum) CYCLE

          ! skip mirrored surfaces
          IF (Surface(ObsSurfNum)%MirroredSurf) CYCLE
          !IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%ShadowingSurf .AND. Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Name(1:3) == 'Mir') THEN
          !  CYCLE

          ! skip interior surfaces
          IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%ExtBoundCond >= 1) CYCLE

          ! For now it is assumed that obstructions that are shading surfaces are opaque.
          ! An improvement here would be to allow these to have transmittance.
          CALL PierceSurface(ObsSurfNum, OriginThisRay, SunVec, IHit, ObsHitPt)
          IF (IHit > 0) EXIT  ! An obstruction was hit
        END DO
        IF(IHit > 0) CYCLE    ! Sun does not reach this ray's hit point

        ! Sun reaches this ray's hit point; get beam-reflected diffuse radiance at hit point for
        ! unit beam normal solar

        !CosIncBmAtHitPt = DOT_PRODUCT(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtNormVec(1:3,RecPtNum,RayNum),SunVec)
        ! Note: if sun is in back of hit surface relative to receiving point, CosIncBmAtHitPt will be < 0
        ! and use of MAX in following gives zero beam solar reflecting at hit point.
        !BmReflSolRadiance = MAX(0.0d0,CosIncBmAtHitPt)*SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSolRefl(RecPtNum,RayNum)

        BmReflSolRadiance = CosIncBmAtHitPt * SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSolRefl(RecPtNum,RayNum)

        IF(BmReflSolRadiance > 0.0d0) THEN
          ! Contribution to reflection factor from this hit point
          IF(HitPtSurfNum > 0) THEN
            ! Ray hits an obstruction
            dReflBeamToDiffSol = BmReflSolRadiance * SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%dOmegaRay(RayNum) * &
            ReflBmToDiffSolObs(RecPtNum) = ReflBmToDiffSolObs(RecPtNum) + dReflBeamToDiffSol
            ! Ray hits ground (in this case we do not multiply by BmReflSolRadiance since
            ! ground reflectance and cos of incidence angle of sun on
            ! ground is taken into account later when ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd is used)
            dReflBeamToDiffSol = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%dOmegaRay(RayNum) * &
            ReflBmToDiffSolGnd(RecPtNum) = ReflBmToDiffSolGnd(RecPtNum) + dReflBeamToDiffSol
          END IF
        END IF
      END DO  ! End of loop over rays from receiving point
    END DO  ! End of loop over receiving points

    ! Average over receiving points
    ReflFacBmToDiffSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) = 0.0d0
    ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd(SurfNum,iHour) = 0.0d0
    NumRecPts = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts
    DO RecPtNum = 1, NumRecPts
      ReflFacBmToDiffSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) = ReflFacBmToDiffSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) + ReflBmToDiffSolObs(RecPtNum)
      ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd(SurfNum,iHour) = ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd(SurfNum,iHour) + ReflBmToDiffSolGnd(RecPtNum)
    END DO
    ReflFacBmToDiffSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) = ReflFacBmToDiffSolObs(SurfNum,iHour)/NumRecPts
    ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd(SurfNum,iHour) = ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd(SurfNum,iHour)/NumRecPts

    ! Do not allow ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd to exceed the surface's unobstructed ground view factor
    ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd(SurfNum,iHour) = MIN(0.5d0*(1.d0-Surface(SurfNum)%CosTilt),  &
    ! Note: the above factors are dimensionless; they are equal to
    ! (W/m2 reflected solar incident on SurfNum)/(W/m2 beam normal solar)
  END DO  ! End of loop over receiving surfaces


END SUBROUTINE FigureBeamSolDiffuseReflFactors


SUBROUTINE CalcBeamSolSpecularReflFactors

          !       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann
          !       DATE WRITTEN   September 2003
          !       MODIFIED       na
          !       RE-ENGINEERED  B. Griffith, October 2012, for timestep integrated solar

          ! Manage calculation of factors for beam solar irradiance on exterior heat transfer surfaces due to
          ! specular (beam-to-beam) reflection from obstructions such as a highly-glazed neighboring
          ! building.

          ! call worker routine as appropriate

          ! REFERENCES: na

          ! USE STATEMENTS:
  USE DataGlobals,         ONLY: HourOfDay
  USE DataSystemVariables, ONLY: DetailedSolarTimestepIntegration

  IMPLICIT NONE ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables in this routine


  INTEGER           :: IHr                  =0   ! Hour number

          ! FLOW:
  IF (.NOT. DetailedSolarTimestepIntegration) THEN
    IF(BeginSimFlag) THEN
      CALL DisplayString('Calculating Beam-to-Beam Exterior Solar Reflection Factors')
      CALL DisplayString('Updating Beam-to-Beam Exterior Solar Reflection Factors')
    END IF
    ReflFacBmToBmSolObs   = 0.d0
    CosIncAveBmToBmSolObs = 0.d0
    DO IHr = 1,24
      CALL FigureBeamSolSpecularReflFactors(IHr)
    END DO  ! End of IHr loop
  ELSE ! timestep integrated solar, use current hour of day
    ReflFacBmToBmSolObs(1:TotSurfaces,HourOfDay)   = 0.d0
    CosIncAveBmToBmSolObs(1:TotSurfaces,HourOfDay) = 0.d0
    CALL FigureBeamSolSpecularReflFactors(HourOfDay)

END SUBROUTINE CalcBeamSolSpecularReflFactors

SUBROUTINE FigureBeamSolSpecularReflFactors(iHour)

          !       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann
          !       DATE WRITTEN   September 2003
          !       MODIFIED       na
          !       RE-ENGINEERED  B. Griffith, October 2012, for timestep integrated solar

          ! Calculates factors for beam solar irradiance on exterior heat transfer surfaces due to
          ! specular (beam-to-beam) reflection from obstructions such as a highly-glazed neighboring
          ! building. Specular reflection can occur from shading surfaces with non-zero specular
          ! reflectance and from exterior windows of the building (in calculating reflection from
          ! these windows, they are assumed to have no shades or blinds).
          ! Reflection from the ground and opaque building surfaces is assumed to be totally diffuse,
          ! i.e. these surfaces has no specular reflection component.

          ! <description>

          ! REFERENCES:
          ! na

          ! USE STATEMENTS:
  USE General,             ONLY: POLYF

  IMPLICIT NONE ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables in this routine

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)   :: iHour

          ! na

          ! na

          ! na

  INTEGER           :: loop                 =0   ! DO loop indices
  INTEGER           :: loop2                =0   ! DO loop indices
  REAL(r64)         :: SunVec(3)            =0.0d0 ! Unit vector to sun
  REAL(r64)         :: SunVecMir(3)         =0.0d0 ! Unit vector to sun mirrored by a reflecting surface
  INTEGER           :: RecSurfNum           =0   ! Receiving surface number
  INTEGER           :: SurfNum              =0   ! Heat transfer surface number corresponding to RecSurfNum
  INTEGER           :: NumRecPts            =0   ! Number of receiving points on a receiving surface
  INTEGER           :: RecPtNum             =0   ! Receiving point number
  REAL(r64)         :: RecPt(3)             =0.0d0 ! Receiving point (m)
  REAL(r64)         :: HitPtRefl(3)         =0.0d0 ! Hit point on a reflecting surface (m)
  REAL(r64)         :: ReflBmToDiffSolObs(MaxRecPts) ! Irradiance at a receiving point for
                                            ! beam solar diffusely reflected from obstructions, divided by
                                            ! beam normal irradiance
!unused  INTEGER           :: RayNum               =0   ! Ray number
  INTEGER           :: IHitRefl             =0   ! > 0 if reflecting surface is hit; otherwise = 0
  INTEGER           :: IHitObs              =0   ! > 0 if obstruction is hit
  REAL(r64)         :: HitPtObs(3)          =0.0d0 ! Hit point on obstruction (m)
  INTEGER           :: IHitObsRefl          =0   ! > 0 if obstruction hit between rec. pt. and reflection point
  INTEGER           :: ObsSurfNum           =0   ! Obstruction surface number
  INTEGER           :: ReflSurfNum          =0   ! Reflecting surface number
  INTEGER           :: ReflSurfRecNum       =0   ! Receiving surface number corresponding to a reflecting surface number
  REAL(r64)         :: ReflNorm(3)          =0.0d0 ! Unit normal to reflecting surface
  REAL(r64)         :: ReflBmToBmSolObs(MaxRecPts) ! Irradiance at a receiving point for
                                            ! beam solar specularly reflected from obstructions, divided by
                                            ! beam normal irradiance
  REAL(r64)         :: ReflDistance         =0.0d0 ! Distance from receiving point to hit point on a reflecting surface (m)
  REAL(r64)         :: ObsDistance          =0.0d0 ! Distance from receiving point to hit point on an obstruction (m)
  REAL(r64)         :: SpecReflectance      =0.0d0 ! Specular reflectance of a reflecting surface
  INTEGER           :: ConstrNumRefl        =0   ! Construction number of a reflecting surface
  REAL(r64)         :: CosIncAngRefl        =0.0d0 ! Cosine of incidence angle of beam on reflecting surface
  REAL(r64)         :: CosIncAngRec         =0.0d0 ! Angle of incidence of reflected beam on receiving surface
  REAL(r64)         :: ReflFac              =0.0d0 ! Contribution to specular reflection factor
  REAL(r64)         :: ReflFacTimesCosIncSum(MaxRecPts) ! Sum of ReflFac times CosIncAngRefl
  REAL(r64)         :: CosIncWeighted       =0.0d0 ! Cosine of incidence angle on receiving surf weighted by reflection factor

  ReflBmToDiffSolObs    = 0.0d0
  ReflFacTimesCosIncSum = 0.0d0

  IF(SunCosHr(3,iHour) < SunIsUpValue) RETURN  ! Skip if sun is below horizon

  ! Unit vector to sun
  SunVec = SunCosHr(1:3,iHour)

  DO RecSurfNum = 1,TotSolReflRecSurf
    SurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%SurfNum
    IF(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumPossibleObs > 0) THEN
      ReflBmToBmSolObs = 0.0d0
      ReflFacTimesCosIncSum = 0.0d0
      ! Find possible reflecting surfaces for this receiving surface
      DO loop = 1, SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumPossibleObs
        ReflSurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%PossibleObsSurfNums(loop)
        ! Keep windows; keep shading surfaces with specular reflectance
        IF((Surface(ReflSurfNum)%Class == SurfaceClass_Window .AND. Surface(ReflSurfNum)%ExtSolar) .OR. &
            (Surface(ReflSurfNum)%ShadowSurfGlazingFrac > 0.0d0 .AND. &
            Surface(ReflSurfNum)%ShadowingSurf)) THEN
          ! Skip if window and not sunlit
          IF(Surface(ReflSurfNum)%Class == SurfaceClass_Window .AND. SunlitFrac(ReflSurfNum,iHour,1) < 0.01d0) CYCLE
          ! Check if sun is in front of this reflecting surface.
          ReflNorm = Surface(ReflSurfNum)%OutNormVec(1:3)
          CosIncAngRefl = DOT_PRODUCT(SunVec,ReflNorm)
          IF(CosIncAngRefl < 0.0d0) CYCLE

          ! Get sun position unit vector for mirror image of sun in reflecting surface
          SunVecMir = SunVec - 2.0d0*DOT_PRODUCT(SunVec,ReflNorm)*ReflNorm
          ! Angle of incidence of reflected beam on receiving surface
          CosIncAngRec = DOT_PRODUCT(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec,SunVecMir)
          IF(CosIncAngRec <= 0.0d0) CYCLE
          DO RecPtNum = 1,SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts
            ! See if ray from receiving point to mirrored sun hits the reflecting surface
            RecPt = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%RecPt(1:3,RecPtNum)
            CALL PierceSurface(ReflSurfNum, RecPt, SunVecMir, IHitRefl, HitPtRefl)
            IF(IHitRefl > 0) THEN
              ! Reflecting surface was hit
              ReflDistance = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(HitPtRefl-RecPt,HitPtRefl-RecPt))
              ! Determine if ray from receiving point to hit point is obstructed
              IHitObsRefl = 0
              DO loop2 = 1,SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumPossibleObs
                ObsSurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%PossibleObsSurfNums(loop2)
                IF(ObsSurfNum == ReflSurfNum .OR. ObsSurfNum == Surface(ReflSurfNum)%BaseSurf) CYCLE
                CALL PierceSurface(ObsSurfNum,RecPt,SunVecMir,IHitObs,HitPtObs)
                IF(IHitObs > 0) THEN
                  ObsDistance = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(HitPtObs-RecPt,HitPtObs-RecPt))
                    IF(ObsDistance < ReflDistance) THEN
                    IHitObsRefl = 1
                  END IF
                END IF
              END DO
              IF(IHitObsRefl > 0) CYCLE  ! Obstruct'n closer than reflect'n pt. was hit; go to next rec. pt.
              ! There is no obstruction for this ray between rec. pt. and hit point on reflecting surface.
              ! See if ray from hit pt. on reflecting surface to original (unmirrored) sun position is obstructed
              IHitObs = 0
              IF(Surface(ReflSurfNum)%Class == SurfaceClass_Window) THEN
                ! Reflecting surface is a window.
                ! Receiving surface number for this window.
                ReflSurfRecNum = Surface(ReflSurfNum)%ShadowSurfRecSurfNum
                IF(ReflSurfRecNum > 0) THEN
                  ! Loop over possible obstructions for this window
                  DO loop2 = 1,SolReflRecSurf(ReflSurfRecNum)%NumPossibleObs
                    ObsSurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(ReflSurfRecNum)%PossibleObsSurfNums(loop2)
                    CALL PierceSurface(ObsSurfNum,HitPtRefl,SunVec,IHitObs,HitPtObs)
                    IF(IHitObs > 0) EXIT
                  END DO
                END IF
                ! Reflecting surface is a building shade
                DO ObsSurfNum = 1, TotSurfaces
                  IF(.NOT.Surface(ObsSurfNum)%ShadowSurfPossibleObstruction) CYCLE
                  IF(ObsSurfNum == ReflSurfNum) CYCLE

                  !TH2 CR8959 -- Skip mirrored surfaces
                  IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%MirroredSurf) CYCLE
                  !TH2 CR8959 -- The other side of a mirrored surface cannot obstruct the mirrored surface
                  IF (Surface(ReflSurfNum)%MirroredSurf) THEN
                    IF (ObsSurfNum == ReflSurfNum-1) CYCLE
                  END IF

                  CALL PierceSurface(ObsSurfNum,HitPtRefl,SunVec,IHitObs,HitPtObs)
                  IF(IHitObs > 0) EXIT
                END DO
              END IF

              IF(IHitObs > 0) CYCLE ! Obstruct'n hit between reflect'n hit point and sun; go to next receiving pt.

              ! No obstructions. Calculate reflected beam irradiance at receiving pt. from this reflecting surface.
              SpecReflectance = 0.0d0
              IF(Surface(ReflSurfNum)%Class == SurfaceClass_Window) THEN
                ConstrNumRefl = Surface(ReflSurfNum)%Construction
                SpecReflectance = POLYF(ABS(CosIncAngRefl),Construct(ConstrNumRefl)%ReflSolBeamFrontCoef(1:6))
              END IF
              IF(Surface(ReflSurfNum)%ShadowingSurf.AND.Surface(ReflSurfNum)%ShadowSurfGlazingConstruct > 0) THEN
                ConstrNumRefl = Surface(ReflSurfNum)%ShadowSurfGlazingConstruct
                SpecReflectance = Surface(ReflSurfNum)%ShadowSurfGlazingFrac *   &
              ! Angle of incidence of reflected beam on receiving surface
              CosIncAngRec = DOT_PRODUCT(SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NormVec,SunVecMir)
              ReflFac = SpecReflectance * CosIncAngRec
              ! Contribution to specular reflection factor
              ReflBmToBmSolObs(RecPtNum) = ReflBmToBmSolObs(RecPtNum) + ReflFac
              ReflFacTimesCosIncSum(RecPtNum) = ReflFacTimesCosIncSum(RecPtNum) + ReflFac*CosIncAngRec
            END IF  ! End of check if reflecting surface was hit
          END DO  ! End of loop over receiving points
        END IF  ! End of check if valid reflecting surface
      END DO  ! End of loop over obstructing surfaces
      ! Average over receiving points
      NumRecPts = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts

      DO RecPtNum = 1,NumRecPts
        IF (ReflBmToBmSolObs(RecPtNum) /= 0.0d0) THEN
          CosIncWeighted = ReflFacTimesCosIncSum(RecPtNum) / ReflBmToBmSolObs(RecPtNum)
          CosIncWeighted = 0.0d0
        CosIncAveBmToBmSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) = CosIncAveBmToBmSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) + CosIncWeighted
        ReflFacBmToBmSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) = ReflFacBmToBmSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) + ReflBmToBmSolObs(RecPtNum)
      END DO
      ReflFacBmToBmSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) = ReflFacBmToBmSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) / REAL(NumRecPts,r64)
      CosIncAveBmToBmSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) = CosIncAveBmToBmSolObs(SurfNum,iHour) / REAL(NumRecPts,r64)
    END IF ! End of check if number of possible obstructions > 0
  END DO  ! End of loop over receiving surfaces


END SUBROUTINE FigureBeamSolSpecularReflFactors


SUBROUTINE CalcSkySolDiffuseReflFactors

          !       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann
          !       DATE WRITTEN   October 2003
          !       MODIFIED       na
          !       RE-ENGINEERED  na

          ! Calculates factors for irradiance on exterior heat transfer surfaces due to
          ! reflection of sky diffuse solar radiation from obstructions and ground.


          ! REFERENCES: na

          ! USE STATEMENTS:
  USE DataSystemVariables, ONLY: DetailedSkyDiffuseAlgorithm
  USE Vectors

  IMPLICIT NONE ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables in this routine


  INTEGER   :: RecSurfNum           =0 ! Receiving surface number
  INTEGER   :: SurfNum              =0 ! Heat transfer surface number corresponding to RecSurfNum
  INTEGER   :: ObsSurfNum           =0 ! Obstruction surface number
  INTEGER   :: RecPtNum             =0 ! Receiving point number
  INTEGER   :: NumRecPts            =0 ! Number of receiving points on a receiving surface
  INTEGER   :: HitPtSurfNum         =0 ! Surface number of hit point: -1 = ground,
                                    ! 0 = sky or obstruction with receiving point below ground level,
                                    ! >0 = obstruction with receiving point above ground level
  INTEGER   :: HitPtSurfNumX        =0 ! For a shading surface, HitPtSurfNum for original surface,
                                    ! HitPitSurfNum + 1 for mirror surface
  REAL(r64) :: ReflSkySolObs(MaxRecPts) ! Irradiance at a receiving point for sky diffuse solar
                                    ! reflected from obstructions, divided by unobstructed
                                    ! sky diffuse horizontal irradiance
  REAL(r64) :: ReflSkySolGnd(MaxRecPts) ! Irradiance at a receiving point for sky diffuse solar
                                    ! reflected from ground, divided by unobstructed
                                    ! sky diffuse horizontal irradiance
  INTEGER   :: RayNum               =0 ! Ray number
  REAL(r64) :: HitPtRefl(3)         =0.0d0 ! Coordinates of hit point on obstruction or ground (m)
  INTEGER   :: IHitObs              =0 ! > 0 if obstruction is hit; otherwise = 0
  REAL(r64) :: HitPtObs(3)          =0.0d0 ! Hit point on an obstruction (m)
!unused  REAL(r64)         :: ObsHitPt(3)          =0.0 ! Hit point on obstruction (m)
  REAL(r64) :: dOmega               =0.0d0 ! Solid angle increment (steradians)
  REAL(r64) :: CosIncAngRayToSky            =0.0d0 ! Cosine of incidence angle on ground of ray to sky
  REAL(r64) :: SkyReflSolRadiance   =0.0d0 ! Reflected radiance at hit point divided by unobstructed
                                    !  sky diffuse horizontal irradiance
  REAL(r64) :: dReflSkySol          =0.0d0 ! Contribution to reflection factor at a receiving point
                                    !  from sky solar reflected from a hit point
  REAL(r64) :: Phi                  =0.0d0 ! Altitude angle and increment (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: DPhi                 =0.0d0 ! Altitude angle and increment (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: SPhi                 =0.0d0 ! Sine of Phi
  REAL(r64) :: CPhi                 =0.0d0 ! Cosine of Phi
  REAL(r64) :: Theta                =0.0d0 ! Azimuth angle (radians)
  REAL(r64) :: DTheta               =0.0d0 ! Azimuth increment (radians)
  INTEGER   :: IPhi                 =0 ! Altitude angle index
  INTEGER   :: ITheta               =0 ! Azimuth angle index
  REAL(r64) :: URay(3)              =0.0d0 ! Unit vector along ray from ground hit point
  REAL(r64) :: SurfVertToGndPt(3)   =0.0d0 ! Vector from a vertex of possible obstructing surface to ground
                                    !  hit point (m)
  REAL(r64) :: SurfVert(3)          =0.0d0 ! Surface vertex (m)
  REAL(r64) :: dReflSkyGnd          =0.0d0 ! Factor for ground radiance due to direct sky diffuse reflection
          ! FLOW:

CALL DisplayString('Calculating Sky Diffuse Exterior Solar Reflection Factors')

DO RecSurfNum = 1,TotSolReflRecSurf
  SurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%SurfNum
  DO RecPtNum = 1, SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts
    ReflSkySolObs(RecPtNum) = 0.0d0
    ReflSkySolGnd(RecPtNum) = 0.0d0
    DO RayNum = 1, SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumReflRays
      HitPtSurfNum = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPtSurfNum(RecPtNum,RayNum)
      ! Skip rays that do not hit an obstruction or ground.
      ! (Note that if a downgoing ray does not hit an obstruction it will have HitPtSurfNum = 0
      ! if the receiving point is below ground level (see subr. InitSolReflRecSurf); this means
      ! that a below-ground-level receiving point receives no ground-reflected radiation although
      ! it is allowed to receive obstruction-reflected solar radiation and direct (unreflected)
      ! beam and sky solar radiation. As far as reflected solar is concerned, the program does
      ! not handle a sloped ground plane or a horizontal ground plane whose level is different
      ! from one side of the building to another.)
      IF(HitPtSurfNum == 0) CYCLE  ! Ray hits sky or obstruction with receiving pt. below ground level
      HitPtRefl = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%HitPt(1:3,RecPtNum,RayNum)
      IF(HitPtSurfNum > 0) THEN
        ! Ray hits an obstruction
        ! Skip hit points on daylighting shelves, from which solar reflection is separately calculated
        IF(Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%Shelf > 0) CYCLE
        ! Reflected radiance at hit point divided by unobstructed sky diffuse horizontal irradiance
        HitPtSurfNumX = HitPtSurfNum
        ! Each shading surface has a "mirror" duplicate surface facing in the opposite direction.
        ! The following gets the correct side of a shading surface in order to get the right value
        ! of DifShdgRatioIsoSky (the two sides can have different sky shadowing).
        IF(Surface(HitPtSurfNum)%ShadowingSurf) THEN
            IF (HitPtSurfNum + 1 < TotSurfaces) HitPtSurfNumX = HitPtSurfNum + 1
            IF(Surface(HitPtSurfNumX)%Shelf > 0) CYCLE
        END IF

        IF (.not. DetailedSkyDiffuseAlgorithm .or. .not.  ShadingTransmittanceVaries .or.  &
            SolarDistribution == MinimalShadowing) THEN
          SkyReflSolRadiance = Surface(HitPtSurfNumX)%ViewFactorSky * DifShdgRatioIsoSky(HitPtSurfNumX) *  &
          SkyReflSolRadiance = Surface(HitPtSurfNumX)%ViewFactorSky * DifShdgRatioIsoSkyHRTS(HitPtSurfNumX,1,1) *  &
        dReflSkySol = SkyReflSolRadiance * SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%dOmegaRay(RayNum) * &
        ReflSkySolObs(RecPtNum) = ReflSkySolObs(RecPtNum) + dReflSkySol
        ! Ray hits ground;
        ! Find radiance at hit point due to reflection of sky diffuse reaching
        ! ground directly, i.e., without reflecting from obstructions.
        ! Send rays upward from hit point and see which ones are unobstructed and so go to sky.
        ! Divide hemisphere centered at ground hit point into elements of altitude Phi and
        ! azimuth Theta and create upward-going ray unit vector at each Phi,Theta pair.
        ! Phi = 0 at the horizon; Phi = Pi/2 at the zenith.
        DPhi = PiOvr2 / (AltAngStepsForSolReflCalc/2.d0)
        dReflSkyGnd = 0.0d0
        ! Altitude loop
        DO IPhi = 1,(AltAngStepsForSolReflCalc/2)
          Phi = (IPhi - 0.5d0) * DPhi
          SPhi = SIN(Phi)
          CPhi = COS(Phi)
          ! Third component of ray unit vector in (Theta,Phi) direction
          URay(3) = SPhi
          DTheta = 2.d0*Pi / (2.d0*AzimAngStepsForSolReflCalc)
          dOmega = CPhi * DTheta * DPhi
          ! Cosine of angle of incidence of ray on ground
          CosIncAngRayToSky = SPhi
          ! Azimuth loop
          DO ITheta = 1,2*AzimAngStepsForSolReflCalc
            Theta = (ITheta - 0.5d0) * DTheta
            URay(1) = CPhi * COS(Theta)
            URay(2) = CPhi * SIN(Theta)
            ! Does this ray hit an obstruction?
            IHitObs = 0
            DO ObsSurfNum = 1, TotSurfaces
              IF(.NOT.Surface(ObsSurfNum)%ShadowSurfPossibleObstruction) CYCLE
              ! Horizontal roof surfaces cannot be obstructions for rays from ground
              IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Tilt < 5.0d0) CYCLE
              IF(.NOT.Surface(ObsSurfNum)%ShadowingSurf) THEN
                IF(DOT_PRODUCT(URay,Surface(ObsSurfNum)%OutNormVec) >= 0.0d0) CYCLE
                ! Special test for vertical surfaces with URay dot OutNormVec < 0; excludes
                ! case where ground hit point is in back of ObsSurfNum
                IF(Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Tilt > 89.0d0 .AND. Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Tilt < 91.0d0) THEN
                  SurfVert = Surface(ObsSurfNum)%Vertex(2)
                  SurfVertToGndPt = HitPtRefl - SurfVert
                  IF(DOT_PRODUCT(SurfVertToGndPt,Surface(ObsSurfNum)%OutNormVec) < 0.0d0) CYCLE
                END IF
              END IF
              CALL PierceSurface(ObsSurfNum,HitPtRefl,URay,IHitObs,HitPtObs)
              IF(IHitObs > 0) EXIT
            END DO

            IF(IHitObs > 0) CYCLE ! Obstruction hit
            ! Sky is hit
            dReflSkyGnd = dReflSkyGnd + CosIncAngRayToSky*dOmega/Pi
          END DO ! End of azimuth loop
        END DO  ! End of altitude loop
        ReflSkySolGnd(RecPtNum) = ReflSkySolGnd(RecPtNum) + dReflSkyGnd *  &
          SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%dOmegaRay(RayNum) * SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%CosIncAngRay(RayNum)/Pi
      END IF  ! End of check if ray from receiving point hits obstruction or ground
    END DO  ! End of loop over rays from receiving point
  END DO  ! End of loop over receiving points

  ! Average over receiving points
  ReflFacSkySolObs(SurfNum) = 0.0d0
  ReflFacSkySolGnd(SurfNum) = 0.0d0
  NumRecPts = SolReflRecSurf(RecSurfNum)%NumRecPts
  DO RecPtNum = 1, NumRecPts
    ReflFacSkySolObs(SurfNum) = ReflFacSkySolObs(SurfNum) + ReflSkySolObs(RecPtNum)
    ReflFacSkySolGnd(SurfNum) = ReflFacSkySolGnd(SurfNum) + ReflSkySolGnd(RecPtNum)
  ReflFacSkySolObs(SurfNum) = ReflFacSkySolObs(SurfNum)/NumRecPts
  ReflFacSkySolGnd(SurfNum) = ReflFacSkySolGnd(SurfNum)/NumRecPts
  ! Do not allow ReflFacBmToDiffSolGnd to exceed the surface's unobstructed ground view factor
  ReflFacSkySolGnd(SurfNum) = MIN(0.5d0*(1.0d0-Surface(SurfNum)%CosTilt),  &
  ! Note: the above factors are dimensionless; they are equal to
  ! (W/m2 reflected solar incident on SurfNum)/(W/m2 unobstructed horizontal sky diffuse irradiance)
END DO  ! End of loop over receiving surfaces

END SUBROUTINE CalcSkySolDiffuseReflFactors


SUBROUTINE CrossProduct(A, B, C)

  ! Cross product between vectors A and B

  IMPLICIT NONE ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables in this routine

  REAL(r64) :: A(3),B(3),C(3)          ! Vector components: C = A X B

          ! FLOW:
  C(1) = A(2) * B(3) - A(3) * B(2)
  C(2) = A(3) * B(1) - A(1) * B(3)
  C(3) = A(1) * B(2) - A(2) * B(1)



SUBROUTINE PierceSurface(ISurf, R1, RN, IPIERC, CPhit)

          !       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann
          !       DATE WRITTEN   July 1997
          !       MODIFIED       Sept 2003, FCW: modification of Daylighting routine DayltgPierceSurface
          !       RE-ENGINEERED  na

          ! Returns point CPhit that line through point R1 in direction of unit vector RN intersects
          ! the plan of surface ISurf. IPIERC = 1 if CPhit is inside the perimeter of ISurf. If not,
          ! IPIERC = 0. This routine works for convex and concave surfaces with 3 or more vertices.

          ! REFERENCES:
          ! Based on DOE-2.1E subroutine DPIERC.

          ! USE STATEMENTS:na

  IMPLICIT NONE ! Enforce explicit typing of all variables in this routine


  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)          :: ISurf      ! Surface index
  REAL(r64), INTENT(IN)        :: R1(3)      ! Point from which ray originates
  REAL(r64), INTENT(IN)        :: RN(3)      ! Unit vector along in direction of ray whose
                                             !  intersection with surface is to be determined
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)         :: IPIERC     ! =1 if line through point R1 in direction of unit vector
                                             !  RN intersects surface ISurf; =0 otherwise.
  REAL(r64), INTENT(OUT)       :: CPhit(3)   ! Point that ray along RN intersects plane of surface

  INTEGER   :: NV                       ! Number of vertices (3 or 4)
  REAL(r64) :: AXC(3)                   ! Cross product of A and C
  REAL(r64) :: SN(3)                    ! Vector normal to surface (SN = A1 X A2)
!unused  REAL(r64) :: AA(3)                    ! AA(I) = A(N,I)
!unused  REAL(r64) :: CC(3)                    ! CC(I) = C(N,I)
  REAL(r64) :: CCC(3)                   ! Vector from vertex 2 to CP
  REAL(r64) :: AAA(3)                   ! Vector from vertex 2 to vertex 1
  REAL(r64) :: BBB(3)                   ! Vector from vertex 2 to vertex 3
  INTEGER   :: N                        ! Vertex loop index
  REAL(r64) :: F1,F2                    ! Intermediate variables
  REAL(r64) :: SCALE                    ! Scale factor
  REAL(r64) :: DOTCB                    ! Dot product of vectors CCC and BBB
  REAL(r64) :: DOTCA                    ! Dot product of vectors CCC and AAA
!unused  REAL(r64) :: DOTAXCSN                 ! Dot product of vectors AXC and SN

  REAL(r64), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: V     ! Vertices of surfaces
  REAL(r64), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: A     ! Vertex-to-vertex vectors; A(1,i) is from vertex 1 to 2, etc.
  REAL(r64), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: C     ! Vectors from vertices to intersection point
  LOGICAL,SAVE :: FirstTime=.true.

          ! FLOW:
  IPIERC = 0

  ! Vertex vectors
  IF (FirstTime) THEN

  ! Set the first two V & A
  V(1,1) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(1)%X
  V(1,2) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(1)%Y
  V(1,3) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(1)%Z

  A(1,1) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(2)%X - V(1,1)
  A(1,2) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(2)%Y - V(1,2)
  A(1,3) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(2)%Z - V(1,3)

  V(2,1) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(2)%X
  V(2,2) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(2)%Y
  V(2,3) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(2)%Z

  A(2,1) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(3)%X - V(2,1)
  A(2,2) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(3)%Y - V(2,2)
  A(2,3) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(3)%Z - V(2,3)

  ! Vector normal to surface
  SN(1) = A(1,2) * A(2,3) - A(1,3) * A(2,2)
  SN(2) = A(1,3) * A(2,1) - A(1,1) * A(2,3)
  SN(3) = A(1,1) * A(2,2) - A(1,2) * A(2,1)

  ! Scale factor, the solution of SN.(CPhit-V2) = 0 and
  ! CPhit = R1 + SCALE*RN, where CPhit is the point that RN,
  ! when extended, intersects the plane of the surface.
  IF (ABS(F2) < 0.01d0) RETURN   ! Skip surfaces that are parallel to RN
  F1 = SN(1)*(V(2,1)-R1(1)) + SN(2)*(V(2,2)-R1(2)) + SN(3)*(V(2,3)-R1(3))
  !F1 = DOT_PRODUCT(SN, V2 - R1)
  SCALE = F1 / F2
  IF (SCALE <= 0.0d0) RETURN  ! Skip surfaces that RN points away from
  CPhit = R1 + RN * SCALE  ! Point that RN intersects plane of surface

  ! Two cases: rectangle and non-rectangle; do rectangle
  ! first since most common shape and faster calculation
  IF (Surface(ISurf)%Shape == Rectangle .OR. Surface(ISurf)%Shape == RectangularDoorWindow .or.         &
      Surface(ISurf)%Shape == RectangularOverhang .OR. Surface(ISurf)%Shape == RectangularLeftFin .or.  &
      Surface(ISurf)%Shape == RectangularRightFin) THEN
    ! Surface is rectangular
    ! Vectors from vertex 2 to vertex 1 and vertex 2 to vertex 3

    ! Intersection point, CCC, is inside rectangle if

    !CCC = CPhit - V2  ! Vector from vertex 2 to CPhit
    CCC(1) = CPhit(1) - V(2,1)
    CCC(2) = CPhit(2) - V(2,2)
    CCC(3) = CPhit(3) - V(2,3)

    ! Set third V just for here
    V(3,1) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(3)%X
    V(3,2) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(3)%Y
    V(3,3) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(3)%Z

    !BBB = V3 - V2
    BBB(1) = V(3,1) - V(2,1)
    BBB(2) = V(3,2) - V(2,2)
    BBB(3) = V(3,3) - V(2,3)

    IF (DOTCB < 0.0d0) RETURN

    !AAA = V1 - V2
    AAA(1) = V(1,1) - V(2,1)
    AAA(2) = V(1,2) - V(2,2)
    AAA(3) = V(1,3) - V(2,3)

    IF (DOTCA < 0.0d0) RETURN
    ! Surface is intersected
    IPIERC = 1

    ! Surface is not rectangular

    !if (NV == 3) then
    !else ! NV=4

    ! First two of V & A already set
    ! test first vertex:
    C(1,1) = CPhit(1) - V(1,1)
    C(1,2) = CPhit(2) - V(1,2)
    C(1,3) = CPhit(3) - V(1,3)
    AXC(1) = A(1,2) * C(1,3) - A(1,3) * C(1,2)
    AXC(2) = A(1,3) * C(1,1) - A(1,1) * C(1,3)
    AXC(3) = A(1,1) * C(1,2) - A(1,2) * C(1,1)
    IF (DOT_PRODUCT(AXC,SN) < 0.0d0) RETURN  ! If at least one dot product is negative, intersection outside of surface

    ! test second vertex:
    C(2,1) = CPhit(1) - V(2,1)
    C(2,2) = CPhit(2) - V(2,2)
    C(2,3) = CPhit(3) - V(2,3)
    AXC(1) = A(2,2) * C(2,3) - A(2,3) * C(2,2)
    AXC(2) = A(2,3) * C(2,1) - A(2,1) * C(2,3)
    AXC(3) = A(2,1) * C(2,2) - A(2,2) * C(2,1)
    IF (DOT_PRODUCT(AXC,SN) < 0.0d0) RETURN  ! If at least one dot product is negative, intersection outside of surface

    NV = Surface(ISurf)%Sides
    ! Since first two of V & A already set, start with 3.  (so if NV=3, this loop won't happen)
    DO N = 3,NV-1
      V(N,1) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(N)%X
      V(N,2) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(N)%Y
      V(N,3) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(N)%Z

      A(N,1) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(N+1)%X - V(N,1)
      A(N,2) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(N+1)%Y - V(N,2)
      A(N,3) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(N+1)%Z - V(N,3)

      C(N,1) = CPhit(1) - V(N,1)
      C(N,2) = CPhit(2) - V(N,2)
      C(N,3) = CPhit(3) - V(N,3)

      AXC(1) = A(N,2) * C(N,3) - A(N,3) * C(N,2)
      AXC(2) = A(N,3) * C(N,1) - A(N,1) * C(N,3)
      AXC(3) = A(N,1) * C(N,2) - A(N,2) * C(N,1)

      IF (DOT_PRODUCT(AXC,SN) < 0.0d0) RETURN  ! If at least one dot product is negative, intersection outside of surface

    END DO

    ! Last vertex (NV=3 or NV=4)
    V(NV,1) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(NV)%X
    V(NV,2) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(NV)%Y
    V(NV,3) = Surface(ISurf)%Vertex(NV)%Z

    A(NV,1) = V(1,1) - V(NV,1)
    A(NV,2) = V(1,2) - V(NV,2)
    A(NV,3) = V(1,3) - V(NV,3)

    C(NV,1) = CPhit(1) - V(NV,1)
    C(NV,2) = CPhit(2) - V(NV,2)
    C(NV,3) = CPhit(3) - V(NV,3)

    AXC(1) = A(NV,2) * C(NV,3) - A(NV,3) * C(NV,2)
    AXC(2) = A(NV,3) * C(NV,1) - A(NV,1) * C(NV,3)
    AXC(3) = A(NV,1) * C(NV,2) - A(NV,2) * C(NV,1)

    IF (DOT_PRODUCT(AXC,SN) < 0.0d0) RETURN  ! If at least one dot product is negative, intersection outside of surface

    IPIERC = 1      ! Surface is intersected



!     NOTICE
!     Copyright © 1996-2013 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
!     and The Regents of the University of California through Ernest Orlando Lawrence
!     Berkeley National Laboratory.  All rights reserved.
!     Portions of the EnergyPlus software package have been developed and copyrighted
!     by other individuals, companies and institutions.  These portions have been
!     incorporated into the EnergyPlus software package under license.   For a complete
!     list of contributors, see "Notice" located in EnergyPlus.f90.
!     NOTICE: The U.S. Government is granted for itself and others acting on its
!     behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in this data to
!     reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly.
!     Beginning five (5) years after permission to assert copyright is granted,
!     subject to two possible five year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for
!     itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, non-exclusive, irrevocable
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!     distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to
!     permit others to do so.
!     TRADEMARKS: EnergyPlus is a trademark of the US Department of Energy.

END MODULE SolarReflectionManager

AirflowNetworkBalanceManager.f90 AirflowNetworkSolver.f90 BaseboardRadiator.f90 BaseboardRadiatorElectric.f90 BaseboardRadiatorSteam.f90 BaseboardRadiatorWater.f90 BranchInputManager.f90 BranchNodeConnections.f90 ConductionTransferFunctionCalc.f90 CoolTower.f90 CostEstimateManager.f90 CurveManager.f90 CVFOnlyRoutines.f90 DataAirflowNetwork.f90 DataAirLoop.f90 DataAirSystems.f90 DataBranchAirLoopPlant.f90 DataBranchNodeConnections.f90 DataBSDFWindow.f90 DataComplexFenestration.f90 DataContaminantBalance.f90 DataConvergParams.f90 DataConversions.f90 DataCostEstimate.f90 DataDaylighting.f90 DataDaylightingDevices.f90 Datadefineequip.f90 DataDElight.f90 DataEnvironment.f90 DataEquivalentLayerWindow.f90 DataErrorTracking.f90 DataGenerators.f90 DataGlobalConstants.f90 DataGlobals.f90 DataHeatBalance.f90 DataHeatBalFanSys.f90 DataHeatBalSurface.f90 DataHVACControllers.f90 DataHVACGlobals.f90 DataInterfaces.f90 DataIPShortCuts.f90 DataLoopNode.f90 DataMoistureBalance.f90 DataMoistureBalanceEMPD.f90 DataOutputs.f90 DataPhotovoltaics.f90 DataPlant.f90 DataPlantPipingSystems.f90 DataPrecisionGlobals.f90 DataReportingFlags.f90 DataRoomAir.f90 DataRootFinder.f90 DataRuntimeLanguage.f90 DataShadowingCombinations.f90 DataSizing.f90 DataStringGlobals.f90 DataSurfaceColors.f90 DataSurfaceLists.f90 DataSurfaces.f90 DataSystemVariables.f90 DataTimings.f90 DataUCSDSharedData.f90 DataVectorTypes.f90 DataViewFactorInformation.f90 DataWater.f90 DataZoneControls.f90 DataZoneEnergyDemands.f90 DataZoneEquipment.f90 DaylightingDevices.f90 DaylightingManager.f90 DElightManagerF.f90 DElightManagerF_NO.f90 DemandManager.f90 DesiccantDehumidifiers.f90 DirectAir.f90 DisplayRoutines.f90 DXCoil.f90 EarthTube.f90 EconomicLifeCycleCost.f90 EconomicTariff.f90 EcoRoof.f90 ElectricPowerGenerators.f90 ElectricPowerManager.f90 EMSManager.f90 EnergyPlus.f90 ExteriorEnergyUseManager.f90 ExternalInterface_NO.f90 FanCoilUnits.f90 FaultsManager.f90 FluidProperties.f90 General.f90 GeneralRoutines.f90 GlobalNames.f90 HeatBalanceAirManager.f90 HeatBalanceConvectionCoeffs.f90 HeatBalanceHAMTManager.f90 HeatBalanceInternalHeatGains.f90 HeatBalanceIntRadExchange.f90 HeatBalanceManager.f90 HeatBalanceMovableInsulation.f90 HeatBalanceSurfaceManager.f90 HeatBalFiniteDifferenceManager.f90 HeatRecovery.f90 Humidifiers.f90 HVACControllers.f90 HVACCooledBeam.f90 HVACDualDuctSystem.f90 HVACDuct.f90 HVACDXSystem.f90 HVACEvapComponent.f90 HVACFanComponent.f90 HVACFurnace.f90 HVACHeatingCoils.f90 HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil.f90 HVACInterfaceManager.f90 HVACManager.f90 HVACMixerComponent.f90 HVACMultiSpeedHeatPump.f90 HVACSingleDuctInduc.f90 HVACSingleDuctSystem.f90 HVACSplitterComponent.f90 HVACStandAloneERV.f90 HVACSteamCoilComponent.f90 HVACTranspiredCollector.f90 HVACUnitaryBypassVAV.f90 HVACUnitarySystem.f90 HVACVariableRefrigerantFlow.f90 HVACWaterCoilComponent.f90 HVACWatertoAir.f90 HVACWatertoAirMultiSpeedHP.f90 InputProcessor.f90 MatrixDataManager.f90 MixedAir.f90 MoistureBalanceEMPDManager.f90 NodeInputManager.f90 NonZoneEquipmentManager.f90 OutAirNodeManager.f90 OutdoorAirUnit.f90 OutputProcessor.f90 OutputReportPredefined.f90 OutputReports.f90 OutputReportTabular.f90 PackagedTerminalHeatPump.f90 PackagedThermalStorageCoil.f90 Photovoltaics.f90 PhotovoltaicThermalCollectors.f90 PlantAbsorptionChillers.f90 PlantBoilers.f90 PlantBoilersSteam.f90 PlantCentralGSHP.f90 PlantChillers.f90 PlantCondLoopOperation.f90 PlantCondLoopTowers.f90 PlantEIRChillers.f90 PlantEvapFluidCoolers.f90 PlantExhaustAbsorptionChiller.f90 PlantFluidCoolers.f90 PlantGasAbsorptionChiller.f90 PlantGroundHeatExchangers.f90 PlantHeatExchanger.f90 PlantIceThermalStorage.f90 PlantLoadProfile.f90 PlantLoopEquipment.f90 PlantLoopSolver.f90 PlantManager.f90 PlantOutsideEnergySources.f90 PlantPipeHeatTransfer.f90 PlantPipes.f90 PlantPipingSystemManager.f90 PlantPondGroundHeatExchanger.f90 PlantPressureSystem.f90 PlantPumps.f90 PlantSolarCollectors.f90 PlantSurfaceGroundHeatExchanger.f90 PlantUtilities.f90 PlantValves.f90 PlantWaterSources.f90 PlantWaterThermalTank.f90 PlantWatertoWaterGSHP.f90 PlantWaterUse.f90 PollutionAnalysisModule.f90 PoweredInductionUnits.f90 PsychRoutines.f90 Purchasedairmanager.f90 RadiantSystemHighTemp.f90 RadiantSystemLowTemp.f90 RefrigeratedCase.f90 ReportSizingManager.f90 ReturnAirPath.f90 RoomAirManager.f90 RoomAirModelCrossVent.f90 RoomAirModelDisplacementVent.f90 RoomAirModelMundt.f90 RoomAirModelUFAD.f90 RoomAirModelUserTempPattern.f90 RootFinder.f90 RuntimeLanguageProcessor.f90 ScheduleManager.f90 SetPointManager.f90 SimAirServingZones.f90 SimulationManager.f90 SizingManager.f90 SolarReflectionManager.f90 SolarShading.f90 SortAndStringUtilities.f90 sqlite3.c SQLiteCRoutines.c SQLiteFortranRoutines.f90 SQLiteFortranRoutines_NO.f90 StandardRatings.f90 SurfaceGeometry.f90 SystemAvailabilityManager.f90 SystemReports.f90 TarcogComplexFenestration.f90 ThermalChimney.f90 ThermalComfort.f90 UnitHeater.f90 UnitVentilator.f90 UserDefinedComponents.f90 UtilityRoutines.f90 VectorUtilities.f90 VentilatedSlab.f90 WaterManager.f90 WeatherManager.f90 WindowAC.f90 WindowComplexManager.f90 WindowEquivalentLayer.f90 WindowManager.f90 WindTurbine.f90 Zoneairloopequipmentmanager.f90 ZoneContaminantPredictorCorrector.f90 ZoneDehumidifier.f90 Zoneequipmentmanager.f90 ZonePlenumComponent.f90 ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.f90