Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=r64), | intent(in) | :: | real_1 | |||
type(vector), | intent(in) | :: | vec_2 |
Nodes of different colours represent the following:
Solid arrows point from a procedure to one which it calls. Dashed arrows point from an interface to procedures which implement that interface. This could include the module procedures in a generic interface or the implementation in a submodule of an interface in a parent module. Where possible, edges connecting nodes are given different colours to make them easier to distinguish in large graphs.
FUNCTION real_times_vector(real_1, vec_2)
! This subroutine allows for a vector to be multiplied by a
! scalar (real) value.
! Uses the multiplication operator (*) to allow for this
! operation. As in:
! Vector=Real_Value*Vector1
TYPE (vector) :: real_times_vector
! REAL, INTENT(IN) :: real_1
REAL(r64), INTENT(IN) :: real_1
TYPE (vector), INTENT(IN) :: vec_2
real_times_vector%x = real_1 * vec_2%x
real_times_vector%y = real_1 * vec_2%y
real_times_vector%z = real_1 * vec_2%z
END FUNCTION real_times_vector